Pineapple Pizza with a Dash of Douche

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After Ethan had helped you set up your phone, He made his shower accessible and wrapped your cast. You showered while he made dinner. You couldn't help but think about the whole situation with Grayson again. As much as he had scared you, you began to feel bad, he did have every reason to be angry. But then again he didn't have to lash out the way he did. You felt so conflicted and kinda anxious, Ethan was so nice and you were happy to stay with him while you needed to, but his brother already hated you. Finishing up your shower, you put on some pajamas that Ethan got you. You laugh and shake your head when you read Victorias secret on the tag.

You cover you nose with your shirt smelling a foul stench from the kitchen, Its smelled like something died and then caught on fire. You're surprised to walk into the kitchen with Ethan frantically fanning down flames on the stove top. He looks over to see you worried expression, 

"Everything's fine!" He calls out batting away the last flames. You crutch over to the island and sit in the same bar stool you've sat in previously. "I think ill just order us some pizza." Ethan sighs pulling his phone out.

"Pizza sounds good." You laugh at his sweet attempt. Pulling out your own phone, you decide it would be fun to get some social media while Ethan cleaned up the kitchen. Was it to soon? Oh yea definitely, but you had nothing else to do. You download Instagram and make yourself an account under the name Alison Nicholson. You laugh a little at yourself realizing you didn't even know who to follow. Hmm, you think to yourself, I bet Ethan has Instagram. You type Ethan into the search bar but then realize you don't even know his last name! Right when you're about to ask him you see the first search result: Ethan Dolan

A knot forms in your stomach when you see the man in the picture is Ethan, You click on the profile glancing from the photos to Ethan and back to the photos. Your jaw falls slack when you look in the corner and see 8.2M followers. Holy fuck! you think to yourself, who is this guy?  You open your mouth to say something but nothing comes out, what do you even say? Right then the doorbell rings,

" Must be the pizza," Ethan says not looking up from the dishes, " could you get that?" He asks

"Uh, yea sure..." You grab your crutches and head for the door. To your surprise its not the pizza but the already infamous Grayson. Grayson looks you up and down. 

" I'm leaving." Hes says bluntly turning around taking his keys out of his pockets. 

"Wait!" You reach out for his arm, and the look he gave you made your insides turn ice cold. You immediately let go.

"Gray!" Ethan pops up behind you, " Come in we've got pizza coming!"

Grayson clenches his jaw and walks back into the house as you move aside for him. You felt like he was being a total asshole, " Is he always an uptight douche." you mutter under you breath

"What?" Asks Ethan.

"Nothing!" You say afraid Grayson heard you, but when you look over you see a big cheeky grin plastered on his face. Asshole you thinks to yourself. Your about to shut the door when the pizza guy walks up, Ethan runs over to grab the pizza and you go begrudging join Grayson at the island. Ethan returns with an extra large pineapple pizza, you thought it was weird to only put pineapples on pizza but you weren't opposed to the idea either. Grayson hurriedly grabs two slices and disappears into his room. You sigh resting you head on your hand.

" Whats wrong?" Ethan asks, pushing a slice towards you.

"I don't know" You think for a moment, " I guess I just feel really bad about what happened with Grayson, and now he hates me, and I just shouldn't be here I cant ruin his life and yours!" 

" Alison trust me, Grayson does not hate you." Ethan assures you.

"No?" You ask a little confused, " He hates me, Ethan it's so obvious!"

"No, no, I know my brother better than anyone. He doesn't hate you hes just a cocky over dramatic bitch" Ethan says taking a bite of his pizza. You laugh and start to eat yours, although he did reassure you a bit you just aren't entirely convinced. As if Ethan read your thoughts he says, " He'll come around, just give him time." 

Later that night Ethan insist you take his room, but you would honestly just feel more comfortable sleeping on the couch. He brings you a couple blankets and pillows,

"Are you sure your okay with the couch?" He asks, setting up a pillow at each end, one for your head and the other for you foot.

" Yea its perfectly fine." You smile and sit on the couch, " Thank you Ethan, I really just can't thank you enough for, well everything." 

He smiles, "Get some sleep," He walks to the end of the room flicking off the lights. "I'll see you in the morning." He walks away down the hall.

You settle into the couch, but your unable to sleep, something was still bothering you but you couldn't put your finger on it. You thought for a moment, thinking about all the events of today, when suddenly it came to you, "Why the fuck does Ethan have 8.2 million followers?" you accidentally say out loud.

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now