He Snapped

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Your woken up at the ass-crack of dawn by shuffling in the kitchen. You look in the kitchen and see Ethan taking out random ingredients.

"Oh, did someone learn how to cook overnight?" you laugh a little to yourself remembering the flames from yesterday.

"Unlike Ethan I am actually a really good cook" Grayson responds

dammit, you think to yourself, I have to learn how to tell them apart. You decide to use this moment of Grayson talking to you to your advantage, "Well then Chef Grayson, show me what you've got"

Grayson glanced up at you and smirks, you take this as a sign that he accepted the challenge. "Well then Mrs. Alison", He says, "do you like pancakes?"

"I don't remember, so why don't you make me some so I can find out?" You smile heading to the island while Grayson laughs a little, turning on the stove.

"So where you from?" he glances back at you smirking

"Haha very funny" you respond not really laughing, "I heard you're from New Jersey, is everyone there a cocky douche bag? or is that just you?" you narrow your eyes at him.

His demeanor changes, "Well no, but we know a facade when we see one." 

"What?" you ask, "you think I'm lying?"

He turns around crossing his arms and leaning on the counter, "Well, " he says, "I don't think you're truthing"

You let out a big loud laugh, you are in utter disbelief, "You think I would choose this?"

"My brother falls for anything, me? not so much." He fires back

"Are you kidding? Ethan's the only sane person I've met!" at this point you can't help raising your voice.

"oh sure sweetie" he discredits you.

"You are so sick! You think I'd ask to be living with two complete strangers with one of which being the biggest asshole on Earth? Why would I ever ask for this?" You shout back, fighting fire with fire.

"Oh I don't know" he says like I'm the biggest idiot on Earth, "maybe to get close to the Dolan Twins?!" He shouts even louder than you

"What could you possibly be talking about-"

Ethan comes crashing into the kitchen in nothing but a pair of sweats, 

"What is going on here?" he yells over you and Grayson's bickering, "You two really can't be left alone can you?"

You look over Ethan with his groggy eyes and disheveled hair, feeling really bad for waking him up early. All you wanted to do was make up with Grayson and you ruined it. You felt like crying but you were not going to cry in front of Grayson, not again, so instead you make your way over to the couch seeming to walk right past heaven and hell at the same time. You turn on the TV, and just leave it on the channel it was previously on, lucky for you that meant you were watching Keeping Up With the Kardashians,  who is watching this garbage, you thought to yourself watching  Kim cry her eyes out over a lost diamond earring. 

Ethan and Grayson talked a little in the kitchen and then Ethan headed back to his room, probably to go back to sleep. Grayson stayed in the kitchen flipping pancakes and you just sat there with your arms crossed. 

Eventually Grayson must have finished cooking because he started to head out of the kitchen with two plates of pancakes in his hands. You assumed one was for Ethan so you ignored him, but to your surprise he walked up to the coffee table and set the plate by your propped ankle. You weren't sure if that was a peace offering or a perfect chance to poison you. You took the risk and ate the pancakes, they were actually delicious, you would say the best you ever had, but what did you know?

About an hour later you hear screaming from Ethan's room, "Ethan wake up! Ethan get up!" then a crash. You sit up really confused, and kind of worried for Ethan's safety with his psychotic brother. You grab your crutches and head towards Ethan's room, all of a sudden the door opens and Grayson is thrown out with the door slammed behind him.  You watch Grayson very concerned, but he's facing the door, "Ethan" he says, "come on please get up!" You hear something hit the other side of the door, sounds like Ethan chucked a pillow across the room. Grayson sighs and turns around to see you standing there. You lock eyes for a moment and he brushes past you, back to his room.

A while later Ethan comes and finds you on the couch, "Hey," he says, "I have to go to a Tatcha appointment"

"A what?" you ask

"Don't worry about it" he responds a little too quickly, "will you be alright here?"

"Yes I'll be fine, I promise"

"Okay" he says standing up, "see you a little later then" 

A moment later you heard him lock the door and drive away, admittedly feeling way less brave without him around. It's fine, you think to yourself, Grayson wont hurt you, like Ethan said he's just a Teddy bear, a Teddy bear big enough to kill you with one good punch to the side of the head... You stop yourself from spiraling and occupy your busy mind with more TV.

But then the bear walked in.

Grayson walked in, and without even looking at you turned around and went back to his room. A moment later, he did it again, but this time locking eyes with you for a quick moment before leaving.

Okay, you thought to yourself, the first time maybe, but now this is getting weird. You sat there spiraling at all the possible mind games that Grayson could be trying to play on you when you are pulled out of your thoughts by Grayson walking in for a third time, but this time he said something,

"Look I'm sorry" he said sitting down next to you on the couch, "really sorry"

You shy away a little but see the guilt in his eyes as you do so.

"Honestly, I thought about it your right why would you ask for this." He said putting his head in his hands, "sometimes I can be a 'cocky over dramatic little bitch' ".

This took you by surprise, a huge surprise, but you had things to apologize for also, "No I'm sorry, I'm sorry for invading your personal space, and calling you a douche bag, and-"

Grayson cuts you off, "You don't have to be sorry for anything okay? I deserved everything you threw at me"

Wow. You honestly couldn't tell if this was a trick or not but you wanted to believe it, and you did, he was so genuine.

"I know how you can make it up to me" you say with a smile,

"And that would be?" Grayson asks meeting your eyes. 

"Make me some more of those pancakes, they were amazing." 

Grayson laughs, "wow that's the first time I've ever heard that" he jumped up, "will do"

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now