he done really fucked up

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As you put the helmet over your head with shaky hands you realized you had no clue what the fuck your doing. You paused looking at Ethan standing over his bike as he revved the engine.

" You ready?" He shouts over the loud rumbles,

"Yea!" You lie and hop on right behind Ethan, adjusting your helmet once more. 

"Hold on!" He says revving the engine once more as he takes his feet off the ground and pulls out of the driveway. You instantly tighten your grip around Ethan's waist as if holding on for dear life. No, not 'as if' you are holding on for dear life. You are relieved when Ethan stops at a red light. You let out a breath leaning your head on his back, you almost felt relaxed, almost. But then the light turns green and you and Ethan are off. The freeway was possibly the scariest part, the fact that 65 felt like 30 in a car but 100 on a motorcycle was a lot to process. He weaved through all the traffic cutting down the additional hour you would've sat through had you taken the car.

You and Ethan were driving down a nice street that you recognized to be Rodeo Drive. Beverly hills had certainly become your favorite place in L.A. and you were grateful that Ethan decided to stop here. He parks the motorcycle on the side of the street, between a yellow Camaro and a white Tesla. He kicks the stand out and you finally feel safe enough to unravel your arms from his waist. He stands up holding his helmet in his hands and you watch him run his hands through his hair fixing the way the helmet disheveled it. 

"Are you coming?" He smiles and you realize you were staring and still sitting on the motorcycle.

You laugh at yourself swinging your leg over the bike. It was Ethan's turn to stare this time, you removed your helmet letting your hair free, you hold the helmet between your arm and your hip shaking out your hair that has since gained 300% volume. You laugh once again when you see him standing with his eyes glued to you.

"Are you coming?" You mock him walking down the street. He laughs and follows after you.

You quickly realize you didn't know where you were going and waited for Ethan to catch up. It didn't seem like Ethan had a plan either. You and him just walked around entering any store that caught your eye, but not leaving with anything. Ethan hated shopping and it wasn't necessarily your favorite either, so you mostly just talked and messed around. Ethan could turn anything funny and you were positive you had a six pack just like Grayson's after laughing until you cried over 100 times. 

You didn't realize how long you had been out with Ethan until the sun started setting. Time flew by with him and you were surprised how quickly the day went. You were both starving and slipped into the nearest restaurant for some long awaited dinner. The waiter came by asking for drinks,which was a sprite for both of you as always. 

"What looks good?" he asked, yet again stuck with you not knowing what to eat, even though he had never been here before either, he had literally chose the first thing to jump out at him,

"Uh, I don't know" you say flipping between the many pages,

"You never seem to know" he laughs sitting up to get closer to the table,

"Well maybe there's a good reason for that" you laugh as well, reading through the soup and salad page. You had no idea if you liked soup, but you knew it was really good for when your sick and you wanted to get better as soon as possible.

Ultimately you make your decision and you both order. When the food arrives you take your time eating for two main reasons: one, you wanted to avoid Grayson for as long as possible and two, you did not want to get back on that motorcycle.

Eventually you realize you can only drag out eating a bowl of chicken noodle soup for so long, and Ethan grabs the check. You were genuinely sad the day had to end at all, you always had too much fun with Ethan, but you were both exhausted and curling up in bed with some Netflix sounded really good right about now.

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now