Dinner Date

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You struggled to walk with your crutches, it was like riding a tricycle with only two wheels. Never the less you crutch your way up to Ethan's 2018 Rubicon white Jeep. Helping you into the passenger seat Ethan asks,

" You hungry?"

"I'm starving" you respond suddenly realizing how hungry you actually are.

"Does Canes sound good?" He responds.

"Sure" You were honestly craving a sandwich but after all he had done the least you could do is eat chicken instead.

Canes was crowded with groups of people, 

" Ethan!" you shout through all the noise.

"Yea?" He leans in closer to you

" I think ill just wait in the car." You were getting anxious with the amount of people and you know, the lack of use in your legs.

" Yea, are you okay?"

" I'm fine," you look at the sign on the door reading:

Maximum Capacity 80

" I just think this place has maxed out their capacity limit" 

Ethan laughs and tosses you the keys forgetting your inability to use your hands at the moment. You watch the keys fall to the floor " Ah shitfuck" he sighs picking up the keys, his cheeks turning a slight shade of pink.

You sigh resting your head on the cold window, you watch all the cars driving down the busy road, i bet they know where they are going you think with a pang of jealousy. No, your fine, you convince yourself. Ethan's a nice guy, he's going to help you figure everything out. The door opens pulling you from your thoughts

"Okay, I got you the box combo and a sprite. I hope that's what you like, i wasn't really sure," He rambles off setting the drinks and food in the center compartment. 

"Ethan, its perfect." you reassure him.

He looks up at you smiling, you cant help but smile back at him. 

" Well," He turns the keys starting the engine " I guess we can just head home now." 

You nod your head and turn back to the window.

You must have fallen asleep because the next thing you know Ethan was poking your arm mumbling a string of umm and uhhh's. You glance up at the house. You hadn't taken much notice to his house before. It was beautiful, a five car garage and a huge front porch to accommodate the large double doors, it could have easily been a mansion. You wonder how an 18 year old could afford all this on his own. Ethan catches your attention once again 

" Hey umm?" His eyes meet yours

"Alison" You assume he had forgotten your name. You suddenly find it weird that of everything all you have is your name,was it even your name? you weren't pregnant after all. Regardless you were sticking with it.

" Right, um Alison, do you want to go inside? "

" Yea sorry i must have fallen asleep." He helps you out of the car handing you your crutches. You follow him to the island in the middle of his kitchen, leaning your crutches on the counter and setting yourself in one of the bar stools. Ethan heads to the other side and stands across from you, pulling out the food, it smelled so good and you felt like you hadn't eaten in days, well you guess you could have, it's not like you remember yesterday.

"so" Ethan breaks the silence right as your shoving the first piece of chicken into your mouth, "are you comfortable staying here? Or would you rather have a hotel until your back on your feet" he says, glancing at your crutches then laughing says, "literally"

"no, I'll stay here" you respond automatically, "You don't necessarily give me, murderer going to stab me in my sleep vibes, so I think I'm better off here" You both laugh at your joke, and carry on light heart'd conversation, Ethan did most of the talking, but you didn't mind, you had nothing to talk about anyway.  

You are so tired, but you were having so much fun with Ethan, at some point the exhaustion took over and you let out a big yawn.

"Are you tired?" Ethan asked

"Yes very. Sorry I am having fun its just-"

Ethan cuts you off from your ramble, "Its okay I get it, you've had a long day"

Ethan leads you to an extra bedroom, it seemed overly decorated for a guest bedroom though, you glance at the piano, record player, and fully stocked closet, Ethan must have a lot of clothes you think to yourself.

"Make yourself at home, if you need anything I'll be in the room down the hall" He left and quietly shut the door behind him.

You take a closer look at the room, it honestly looked like the rightful owner would step in at any moment , but you didn't care you were too tired. Maybe I'll take the couch tomorrow , you thought drifting off to sleep.


Author's note:

Hi Grayson Dolan followed me so if you need me I'll be in my room crying... and writing fan fiction.

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now