Kiss and Make Up

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 You didn't leave your room for the rest of the day. You planned to live off of the soda machine and popcorn because you were not ready to face Ethan or Grayson. You did your best to distract yourself with Netflix and social media. Big mistake. You got lost on an endless loop of The Dolan Twins on Youtube. You cried your eyes out watching them play wedgie hangman and realizing they may never get to rip their underpants ever again and it was all your fault. What if you just broke up the Dolan Twins? What would their 8 million fans think? What would their mom think? You start to panic completely losing your shit. But that's when you hear a knock on the door.

You peek through the window and see Ethan at the door. Oh god, you think to yourself, I'm not ready to face Ethan, or am I? You stand there back facing the door trying to gain the courage to open it and talk to him. You guys had to talk eventually, might as well be now. You open the door but Ethan was gone. Hallelujah.

You let out a sigh of relief when a box on the floor catches your attention. You recognized that box, it was a pizza box. But not just any pizza box, the pizza box from Ethan's favorite pizza place, Domino's. Your mouth waters slightly at the aroma of actual food and not vending machine snacks. When you open the box you cant help but smile, Ethan rearranged every pineapple on the pizza to spell out ' IM SORRY'. It was barely legible but you made it out, and although he could've just left you a note, it meant a lot to you.

You take it back to your room and finish binging Teen Wolf, a show that Grayson had told you about a while ago. You also managed to finish the whole pizza and you hadn't noticed until you reached in for another slice and there was nothing. You knew you were going to regret that , but it was fine. Everyone stress eats from time to time.

SInce it was dark, and you ran out of things to eat or watch, you decided to just go to sleep. You can figure this mess out in the morning.

The night was filled with tossing and turning, the little amount of sleep you got was restless. When you finally saw the sun come through the cracks in the blinds, you gave up on sleeping and just got up. It was super early at 6:00, the only person that wakes up this early voluntarily is Grayson.

You jumped in the shower and then got dressed. Even after making sure you took extra long it was still only 7:15 by the time you finished blow drying your hair. You also couldn't sit around anymore, you were restless and stressed and just wanted life to go back to the not-normal normal that you were used to.

You passed the time thinking how you could make this up to Ethan and Grayson. You had a feeling Grayson probably bailed yesterday, so right now you were more worried about Ethan.

I know what I can do! you thought to yourself, perfecting your plan, I'll make Ethan some breakfast since he bought me dinner.

You snuck into the house as quietly as possible even though you knew Ethan wouldn't be up for a long time.

 You pull out ingredients for pancakes, everyone likes pancakes, plus they were easy to make. You cooked up two large stacks of pancakes, and set the table. You add a bowl of fruit and cups of water, voilà! It was perfect.

Now was the hard part, actually going through with your plan. It was definitely too late to throw it all away and go back to your cave, so you had to do it. You tip toe your way to Ethan's room and knock on the door, then walked away, just as he had done last night, but you didn't go too far. Instead you waited in the kitchen by your meal. 

"Allison?" you head Ethan call down the hall,

"Yeah?" you call back, impressed that he already knew it was you,  but it was a good guess because Grayson probably wouldn't wake him up like that.

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now