Who TF are The Dolan Twins

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That night you were laying in bed thinking about your day, after Grayson made you pancakes Ethan came home and was shocked to find you two actually getting along! You felt so relieved to finally be getting along with Grayson, but your anxious mind could not stop playing your fight over and over in your head, What did he say again? You thought to yourself, The Dolan Twins? What did he mean?  THE Dolan Twins? You start to put more and more pieces together, like the fact Ethan has 8.2 Million followers, assuming Grayson has close to the same considering they are literally identical. Not only that they live in a giant house, and it's stocked with name brands and nice things. Why can two kids afford so many cars?

Clearly they are someone, but who? Then your phone goes off, someone followed you on Instagram. You open your phone and to your surprise the username is,

 "Daddy Dolans?!?" you accidentally say out loud, but imminently hope neither of them heard you say that.  Then you realize you can figure out who these people are, you just have to look it up.

You type The Dolan Twins into the search bar in Safari. Their Wikipedia pops up as the first result, it reads,

"Ethan and Grayson Dolan, collectively known as The Dolan Twins, are an American comedy duo who rose to prominence in May 2013 on the video sharing application Vine. They are currently signed to AwesomenessTV, and have been since 2015."

Comedy duo...who am I living with?  You think to yourself, Okay I want more answers

You keep scrolling down and the next link is to YouTube. You were definitely not prepared for what you were about to see. Their channel had 8 million subscribers, and it had to be them, they were in every thumbnail, with videos titled, "Going through our old phones" and "Twins switch lives for a day" .

Instead of continuing research on your own you just decide to ask them. Ethan stays up late, so you were positive he would be up. You slowly crutch your way to his room, when you open the door he was up, just playing video games. He pauses his game and turns around, looking a little surprised, he must have been expecting Grayson,

"I need answers get into the living room" Ethan just kind of looks at you, "now!"

"Okay okay!" he says throwing his hands in the air, heading out the door. He looks nervous, and honestly that's what you wanted he can't be keeping secrets from you like this!

Next you head to Grayson's room, it was pitch black in there and he was definitely asleep, but you didn't really care either. You flicked on the lights,

"Grayson get up" he rolls over and looks at you with squinted eyes, "Please I need to talk to both of you"

He sighs and seems to look more confused than Ethan, but still gets up. After getting both the boys in the living room you stand in front of them and flip around your phone, revealing their YouTube channel.

"oh" they say in unison, then Ethan, "we can explain"

Grayson looked over at Ethan, "You didn't tell her about our channel?" he asks sounding frustrated.

"No" Ethan said, "I didn't think it was important!"

"You think she wasn't going to find out-"

"Guys!" You cut Grayson off, "I don't need you to get angry, I just want answers." you look between them, "Who are you guys? Really, who are you."

They look at each other and smile, "well I'm Ethan" said Ethan, "and I'm Grayson" said Grayson, then together, "and we're the Dolan Twins!" they burst out laughing, but you weren't getting the joke.

"Yea, I got that!" you said, "but what's going on?"

"Look it's just a YouTube channel its not a big deal" Ethan said.

"What do you mean 'not a big deal' you guys are famous!"

Grayson cringes a little at the word 'famous' and says, "We really aren't, we just make dumb videos on the internet and people happen to watch them, okay?"

"Okay," you respond, "but why did you keep this from me?

"I figured you knew" Grayson said looking a little embarrassed, rubbing the back of his neck and looking at the floor, probably remembering our fight.

You meet Ethan's eyes, "why didn't you tell me?" you plead with him.

"Because..." he started to say, "I don't know, I thought it would change things." 

"It doesn't change anything Ethan," you respond, "It's not like I have any benefit from knowing this, I have no one to tell, nothing to gain, and no where to go! I just need a promise," you glance at Grayson, "from both of you."

Grayson looks up, "I need you guys to promise me there will be no more secrets" you look at Ethan, "Especially from you" you say to him.

"Okay," Ethan nods his head, "we promise"

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now