Killer Campsite

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You are woken up abruptly by something being tossed on you, you quickly sit up to see it was the backpack you had put your clothes in the night before. 

"Rise and shine, it's time to leave" You look over and see Grayson standing by the couch, he was clearly the one that threw the backpack on you.

"What time is it?" you ask squinting up at him,

he glanced at the clock in the kitchen, "Looks like it's 5:34" he paused looking at you, "let's go"

"Fine" you groan getting up and walking down the hall,

"What do you think your doing" he asks watching you walk away,

"I'm going to get ready!" you call back closing the bathroom door. Once inside you just pull your hair up in another ponytail and throw on a casual pair of jeans ans a T-shirt. You had no idea where you were going or how long you would be on the road so you decided to play it safe and go with comfy clothes. You head out of the bathroom and find Grayson standing impatiently by the door,

"Okay are you ready now?" 

"Yes" you respond heading for the door, leading the way.

You head for his car, but don't see Ethan, why the hell was he so impatient you think to yourself, Ethan's not even out here yet!

Grayson turns around and pulls out his keys to lock the door,

"Wait!" you say as he turns to face you,

"What about Ethan?" you ask him.

"Ethan's not coming" he responds turning and actually locking the door,

"Then neither am I" you say walking back to the door, waiting to be let inside,

Grayson laughs, "Oh yes you are" he responds pocketing the keys and heading for the car,

"Oh no I'm not" you say back staying glued to the door mat

"Yes, you are, now get in the car." Grayson says turning around looking at you

"You can't make me" you reply crossing your arms

"Bet" Grayson says getting a smile on his face,

"Bet" you say, only a little scared, Grayson accepts the challenge and walks over to you and casually picks you up and throws you over his shoulder,

"Grayson!" you scream, half laughing half terrified, "You can't do this!"

"Yes, I clearly can" he laughs back, unlocking the car and setting you in the passenger's seat, you have no choice but to just get buckled and go along for the ride. The score was already Grayson: 1 and you: 0 and the day had barley started.

Grayson pulls away from the house and gets on the road, at this point you are convinced that you are going to get murdered today. This is not a camping trip, it's a killing spree. Well, you think to yourself, if this is one of your last moments on Earth you might as well die listening to some good music. With that thought you turn on the radio and find a good song, Grayson gives you the same look as last time and turns it down. Oh no, you think to yourself, not this time, you look him dead in the eyes and turn the music up, this time keeping your hand on the knob.

Grayson turns back to the road, it looks like you won this battle. You return to the window and watch the cars passing on the busy L.A. highway, you could feel yourself falling asleep, but you just let it happen, Grayson was going to kill you when he was going to kill you anyway, it might as well happen while your asleep.

The next thing you know Grayson is shaking you awake, "Hey, you want anything?" he asks, it takes you a moment to realize you are in a McDonald's drive through, before you could answer, Grayson turns to the window, "No that's it thank you" he says, pulling up to the cashier.

By Chance (Dolan Twins)Where stories live. Discover now