25. Bestfriend

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Excuse me if I have any errors as I didn't edit but enjoy!



Carol's P.O.V

Waking up in the morning feeling different. Then I realise I have no clothes on. I can feel Calum's arms around my waist, our bare skin touching to each other, thinking about last night made me smile.

I turn to face Calum and he is sleeping like a cute puppy.

For awhile, watching Calum sleep made me think about our future. Thinking would he be the guy I will cherish forever? Would we be together infinity?

However, thinking those positive stuff made me think negative stuff as well. What if he'll cheat on me? What if our relationship won't work especially him touring and all girls going for him? What if we aren't meant for each other? What if he found another girl that is much more better than me? WHAT IF his fans wouldn't accept me?

Those 'what if' haunts me and now, I was back to reality just staring out to the scenario of the beautiful sea.

I decided to shrug it off knowing that it's not worth thinking of. All I have to do now, is just to keep our relationship strong.

I giggle at the thought of why am I thinking of those stuff early in the morning. I should not I told myself.

Then, I went back admiring Calum's face. I decided to give him a peck on the cheek as a sign to wake up him up.

After a few seconds, he responded to my action.

He started to caresses my back until it got reach to my ass. I couldn't help it but to giggle.

I put my arm around his shoulder and said "Goodmorning to my most handsome and sexy boyfriend in the world!" I exclaimed and kiss his nose.

"Goodmorning Carol. Early in the morning and you are... so active" he smirk at me.

"What does that mean Calum?" I ask.

"You're totally asking to have it again" he smile.

I playfully slap him on the shoulder and said "Ain't not Calum. Plus, Last night is the only night you will get it. Unless, I decided to do it again someday." Ipoke my tongue out.

"Awwww Carol" he wince.

I laugh at him and instead of saying something, I gave him a surprise goodmorning kiss.

He kiss me back and got on top of me, he playfully kiss my neck and I laugh.

"Okay Calum! Let's eat breakfast now" I giggled while his still kissing my neck.

"Okay okay" he give up.

He stood up naked and now, I got a much more better view of his body. It's so muscular and hot.

I couldn't help it but to smirk at him.

"What?" he blush.

"Nothing" I mumble. I love how he still blush until now.

He wear his boxers and a white robe. He chuck me another white robe and I quickly wear my underwear and a bra.

We intertwine our fingers going downstairs.

Before I was about to close our main bedroom door, I quickly glance back to our room. And one word: messy.

I remember going in here last night and it's not messy at all. It's neat.. What happened? I ask myself. Okay, I kinda know why but... Nevermind.

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