34. I think...

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Carol's P.O.V

Everywhere I go, everywhere I look, I see a few of paparazzi following me every fucking place. If not, I don't mind the fans but the media is pissing me off so badly.

At least my friends advices me not to look at the news or any sources about me and Calum so that 'I won't get affected' apparently. Then they took it back saying 'It's not that bad but I might take it differently'. Thought so.

I daze off when a hand appeared infront of my face.

"What?" I ask so confuse to where this conversation is going with Sam.

"You're practically not listening to me Carol" he pointed out.

"To obvious to say it already" I pointed out too.

"Are you still thinking about Luke and Heather? Or the news between you and Calum?" Sam ask.

It's been two days since Calum left and I would say that I pretty much miss him a lot. I tried to be busy all the time but it happens so often that it didn't work at all.

When he left, I work. Then the next day, I had a class and a volleyball practice which I was thankful for that. Then today, I am pretty much just hanging out at Sam's place. I urge him that we'll go to Heather to check on her but he told me 'later' but like 'never'.

Me and Calum still keep on contact. However only in a short conversation as he is so busy, but I totally understand him. Sometimes, when he has time, he needs the sleep he gets so the only word we always text to each other is 'I love you, take care'.

I miss his warmth, I miss his-

"Now you're daze off again" Sam said waving his hand infront of my face all the time.

"Sorry sorry sorry" I apologize to him.

He playfully roll his eyes and smirk. "But sometimes it's fun to see you like this because I can say whatever I want and you don't mind at all"

"From now on I will" I protest.

"I doubt that"

"I totall don't"

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes. Maybe. No. Actually, I don't know" feeling losing the argument with him isn't helping my loneliness.

"Carol, you need to stop doubting every single thing. It won't help at all. You have to be positive" Sam just completely blurted it out.

I sighed from what he just said but I know it's true. It's just hard doing it I thought.

"Okay. Enough about me but we need to go to Heather now. She texted me to come as soon as possible" I try to change the subject but thankful he keep up with it.

"Sure. Heather surely needs an advice coming from me" he mock.

"Actually, you're more like the person who makes people laugh" I giggled.

"Hey, I'm not a clown"

"Well you are now. Let's go" I told him and drag him to my car. Sometimes, he whines a lot so he is a clown baby I would say. However, it's a good thing.

Calum's P.O.V

We are now in the middle of the interview from the radio station 92.9.

It's going pretty well. However, it's our first interview after coming back from Perth. Thinking about Perth made me think about Carol all the time. If not, every fucking thing reminds me of her. Every song we sing, I think of our memories we had and it hurts me because I miss her so fucking much. I never felt like this with anyone before and I know in a few days I'll be seeing her but fuck, I just miss her so much.

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