All I Wanted

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                                  CHAPTER 3
Shen Yue's POV

A loud banging sound made her jump from her bed.

"Ughhhh. . What's up with me and those banging sound?" I checked my watch and it is still 6 am. I feel like I only slept for like 30 mins.

A loud continues thumping again.

"Who could that be at this hour? Hmmm. . . I'm comingggg", I shouted and stand feeling groggy.

"Oh my God! My head really hurts. I feel so dizzy." I mummbled as I stepped out from my bedroom. As soon as I reached the front door I opened it immediately.

"Mom?! Dad?!? What are you doin. . nn." They entered quickly into my apartment.

My mom rushed immediately to my side.

"Oh my babyyy. . . . How are you? I was so worried about you. We came here as fast as we could." My mom hugging me so tight.

"Moomm I..I..'t, you're hugging.. me so tight", I struggled as I broke from my mom's hug.

"Ohhh darling, I'm so sorry. I was just so worried about you. As soon as I got your voice message, I called you back but you didn't answer. So your father and I decided to come here and took the earliest flight coming here in Beijing." My mom said as she holds my hands.

"Thank you mom and dad for coming. I wasn't expecting that you would come here though my graduation is still tomorrow. But gassshh. . . I missed you both!" I hug both of them.

We walked side by side towards my living room. It felt like forever since the last time I saw them I missed them so much!

"You silly little girl! Of course we would come running after you as soon as we knew about your situation. You're our only princess. We coudn't afford to lose you." Dad said a bit emotional.

"Awwee  . . . . Da. a. .dd you're making me cry."

"That is why you really need to go back to Hunan after your graduation", he added.

"But dad, I don't want to go back to Hunan."

"Shen Yueee. . . ."

"Dad, remember what you said before?" I frown.

"About what?!"

"You told me, as long as you get to chose my course as well as my university and I get to graduate college with exemplary award, you will let me do whatever I want to do with my life." I reminded him about our agreement.

"Shen Yue, that was a long time ago. Things have change, my princess", dad replied.

"I want to live my life the way I wanted it to be.  I don't want to be just in your shadows and following your orders."

"Darling, isn't 5 years of being independent and far from us not enough for you?"

"But dad, I also want to have a normal life. I want to experience everything. I want to find  a decent job after my graduation." I reasoned out.

"For God's sake Shen Yue Liang! You are the Shen's Heiress, act like one!" Tired of my reasoning, she gave me an exasperation look.

"Shen Yue! We have our own family business. We owned a chain of hotels in Hunan. You don't have to find a job here in Beijing. All you have to do is come back with us and manage it." My dad said angrily.

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