You Belong To Me

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Shen Yue's POV

The atmosphere is a bit tense right now. I can feel that Dylan is angry might as well be jealous of what he saw.

Jealous? I cringed at the thought. But why would he be jealous?

"Hi, I'm Fei Qi Ming. I am Shen Yue's friend." Fei shook Dylan's hand, and I can see that Dylan's grip is getting tighter not letting go, so I broke their hands.

"Who the fuck are you?! I didn't know Yue has a friend." His eyes darkened, brows are creased and face is a bit comtorted. I know Dylan has a bad temper and I need to stop this nonsense before anything bad happens.

"Hey, Didi. Watch your tone. Fei Fei is my friend from work. Don't be rude towards him, please?"

"It's okay, Yue. I don't mind at all." Fei Fei smiled at me reassuring me that he is okay.

"Yue?!? You allowed him to call you by your nickname?!?" Dylan hissed.

"Wang Hedi! Can you please stop?!" I grabbed his arms and gestured him to walk away. I turned to look at Fei Fei.

"Fei Fei, I am so sorry. I'll just call you okay? See you at work. Bye, I got to go!" Fei nodded and wave his hand good bye.

Dylan and I walked away from him. I am really pissed at what he was acting. He is not supposed to be rude to people whom I considered my friend.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Wang Hedi?!"

"What?!? Are you really asking me that Shen Yue Liang?!?"

We stopped walking, I turned to him and I gave him a death glare. I hope he knows that I am really pissed right now. He looked at me feeling devastated as he noticed what I was holding.

"And what was that for?" He moves his chin motioning at the bouquet of flowers that I was holding.

"Oh! Uhm. . It's a congratulatory gift. Fei Fei gave this to me earlier before we had dinner," I said and he let out a frustrated sighed and rolled his eyes.

"A congratulatory gift? And you had dinner together? Really? And you believe him that it's just that? That you're just friends?"

"Dylan, why make a fuss?!? He is my friend! There's nothing wrong if he will give me something like this."

"Friend my ass! Are you really that dense?!"

"What is wrong with you, Wang He di?"

"I just saw you holding that fvcking hand of his! And now you're asking me what is wrong with me?!?"

"He was just comforting me, Dylan. We didn't do anything wrong!"

"He even called you Yue! A Friend? Why didn't you tell me about YOUR FRIEND?"

"OMG Dylan! I can't believe you right now. Can you just stop this nonsense? Am I not allowed to have a friend?" I asked him

"Am I not enough, Bao?" His voice is so low and his brown sad eyes are staring at me.

"Dylan, you know what? You're just drunk. Let's just go home okay?"

"No, I am not drunk." He said while shaking his head

"Then, stop acting like you are! You're pissing me off Di!"

"So you tell me, how am I supposed to act Shen Yue? After I saw you with that guy!"

Now he is nagging at me again. He is really acting so weird. I didn't saw him act like this like some jealous boyfriend nagging at his girlfriend for doing mischievous act.

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