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Shen Yue's POV

It's been hours since my team has been prepping up our presentation, checking for the last time if we ever have lapses and I can't help but get nervous. It'll only take less than 45 mins till we present it.

I've been fidgeting the whole time when suddenly I felt a warm hands tapping my shoulders. I turned around just to see a smiling Fei Qi Ming.


"Hey, you're here! And hell yeah I am super nervous", I said quiet shocked to see him here in our department.

"Oh, I'm here! Surprise! Hehehe", I rolled my eyes and heave a sigh while he was giggling like a child he move to my side to take a seat.

"What brings you here? Aren't you busy at all? Heard our new boss is quiet strict you must not be seen loitering around the area."

"Yeah. Yeah. But hey! I wouldn't miss for the world to say my best wishes for my friend's presentation today. I know you'll be doing great!" He caressed my hands and then lightly tapping it making me feel comfortable for the time being.

"Aww. . Thank you so much Fei Fei!"

"So, I'll be leaving now. Best of luck to you my dear friend! I am rooting for you! Jiaaayouu Shen Yue!" He said and we both made a fist bump.

Fei Qi Ming walked back to his department. I felt lighthearted because of his encouraging words.

I stood up from my seat, grabbing my bag just to get my phone. Checking for some messages coming from Dylan but suddenly I felt a bit dissapointed.

"Hmm. . Still no message." I pouted while putting my phone back to my bag.

Dylan seems not himself this past 2 days. I noticed something's bothering him but we haven't really talked that much to each other since we were both quite busy because of our work. I might guess he's just stressed out because of work.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
( Flashback )

I groaned.

My eyes are so heavy and I felt very tired. I slept late because I came home super late also last night after seeing with Jia and then I still had to finish working up with the presentation. I moved to my side and noticed no sign of Dylan. I get up from the bed and I felt super dizzy.

"Dyy. . . Where are you?" I tried calling him.

I searched in the bathroom but still no sign of Dylan.

It is only 10 in the morning and it's saturday today and I know Dylan has no work right now. I walked out the bedroom and head to the living area then to the kitchen.


But still no sign of Dylan. I walked back to the bedroom and I grabbed my phone on the side table and dialled Dylan's number. It took only two rings after he answered it.

"Hello Dy, Where are you?"

"Hi baby! Good morning! Im at the office I needed to finish up some things. I am sorry I didn't wake you up. You looked so tired  from last night so I decided to just leave not waking you up."

"Ohh-okaay. When are you coming back?"

"I am not really sure there's still so many things that I needed to finish. Oh. . baby, I am sorry but I need to go. I'll call you later. I love you. Bye." Dylan ended the call right away not waiting for my response.

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