Meet Me Halfway Across The Sky

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Dylan's POV

I found myself walking along the long series of fortifications of The Great Wall of China instead of going home from the cemetery. This place still amazes me even if I have been here a couple of times already.

Feeling the heat of the sunrise at this early hour, yet I shiver everytime the cold breeze of the wind hit me. 

I can see a lot of tourist already climbing here at The Great Wall. Enjoying their vacation, picture taking together with their loved ones. Then, I suddenly remember the last time I was here.

It was that time where I accidentally met and almost hit her with my bike. It was that day where she was shattered into pieces. And that moment I decided to bring her here to comfort her.

I still can feel the pain that causes those tears to fell on her cheeks the moment she found out she was about to marry someone she doesn't even know.

I stopped walking when I realized I was currently at the same area where I asked her to face the moon and the beautiful view. I smiled upon remembering how lovely she was as the bright light of the moon reflected her despite going through a difficult situation and cried hard she still manages to be as beautiful as she was. I still can remember those words I said to comfort her.

How ironic it is to think that I was able to tell her those encouraging words yet here I am struggling to face all the problems that I have right now.

Here I am struggling to be able to survive life without her by my side. Struggling to stand all by myself.

I am trying to tell myself that it'll be alright. Maybe not now but soon. But, no matter how hard I try to tell myself that, it still has no effect on me.

Tears starts to fall on my cheeks once again. This longing to have one more of her is killing me. And I want all of this to stop.

I might lose my mind if I will never stop this.

I don't know what's gotten into me when I suddenly decided to climbed up the edge of the wall.

I have been thinking about this for the past weeks and now I think this would be the right way to end all of this pain that I am feeling.

I think I am now ready.

I am now ready to be with her again. And I can't wait to feel and see her once again.

I think this would be the best way to stop all the heartaches and sorrows that I have been holding on for so long since she left me.

Now I'm shaking, balancing myself on the edge of the wall. I felt that this last 2 years have been really exhausting. I grabbed my phone from my pocket and I saw her face once again.

She was smiling.

I had this picture when I took her to an airborne activity.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Where are you taking me?" her brown orbs widen as she was asking me. Curiosity holds on her face.

"Just wait and see, okay? I already told you it's a surprise." I grinned and reached to grip her hands.

"Ohhh. . You gotta make sure it'll be worth it Wang Hedi! I just skipped my work today because you dragged me out of the building." Shen Yue pouted. She looked so cute while doing that and I can't help but pinch her cheeks.

"I'm sure you'll gonna love it. You've been working so hard lately and you needed this break." I patted the top of her head and she immediately scoot my hand.

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