Chapter 2

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Jenika was woken by the commotion the guys made as they entered the bus. It was obvious they had more than a few drinks by the laughter and stumbling she heard as they made their ways to the bunks.

Tim pulled back the curtain to her bunk, trying to quietly sneak in along side her hoping she wasn't awake. Jenika looked at him, she could smell the perfume of the woman he had been talking with. "Are you serious right now" she yelled, causing the rest of the guys to stop in their tracks.

"Why are you yelling, Jen. I'm just trying to come to bed" he replied.

"You smell like a french whore! Who were you with, where have you been" she demanded, pushing him away from the edge of the bunk as she jumped out of it.

"I haven't been with anyone. Had you come out with us after the show, you would have known where I was" he explained.

"What, so I could watch you and some whore flaunt themselves at you" she yelled as she began to walk to the front of the bus.

"What is your problem Jenika, I wasnt drinking, I didn't go anywhere, I was with the guys all night. Just ask them" he yelled back.

"Like they would tell me. You guys all stick together " she barked grabbing a blanket and pillow, trying to leave the bus.

"Where are you going" he asked, grabbing her arm. "You're not going anywhere till you tell me why you're so mad".

"You're not the same person I married. Ever since.." she trailed off as tears began to fill her eyes.

"Since what, tell me..." he demanded still holding her arm.

"Since this" she motioned up and down his body. "You've changed, you're more confident, you're flirting all the time " she replied.

"What is wrong with being more confident, with feeling better about myself" he barked.

Jenika pulled her arm out of his grasp as the tears began to fall. She opened the bus door as he asked where she was going "I'll be on the other bus with the crew".

Tim looked at the door as she slammed it behind her. Chance walked out from the bunks, "buddy, you ok" he asked.

Tim just looked at him before making his way to the back of the bus.

A New Life, Part 2 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now