Chapter 44

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"Oh My God....Oh My God" Jenika screamed excitedly as she ran down the stairs. "They found him, they found Chance" she yelled to everyone.

"When, where, is he alright?" Maggie asked grabbing ahold of Marcus arm.

Heather and Callie had been outside playing on the swing when they heard Jenika yelling. Quickly running inside the back door Heather asked "What's going on, is everyone alright?"

"They found him, they found Chance" Marcus informed her.

Tears of joy streaming down everyone's eyes, Callie pulled at her mother's hand. Heather picked the young child up, squeezing her tightly. "Momma, why are you all crying" she asked a bit scared.

"They found Uncle Chance, sweetheart" Heather smiled, wiping her own tears.

Callie clapped her hands together, "Yea! I told you they would"

"Yes baby, you did" Maggie replied, hugging Heather and Callie together.

"Did Tim say where he is now" Marcus asked.

"He said they flew him to a medical center in Foley to be evaluated. He's just waiting for Austin and Jake to return to the guard station then will be heading that way. He said he would meet us there" Jenika told him.

"Foley, why Foley. Why not Mobile, it's closer" Maggie asked concerned.

"I'm sure it's most likely due to proximity to where he was found or perhaps patient volume. I would't worry, Maggie. He will receive excellent care there" Marcus assured her, wrapping his arms around her.

Maggie let out a heavy sigh. It didn't matter where he went, she had her son back, that's all that she needed. "Let's get ready and start their way. By the time we get there we should have some answers" she told the others, heading to her room to pack an overnight bag.

Marcus pulled Jenika aside while Heather and Callie went to pack as well. "Did Tim say anything about his condition".

"Not really, just that Adam was flying in with him because he was already in the helicopter during the search and he was waiting for Austin and Jake. Sorry, he didn't say anything more than that. Um, I'm going to go pack a few things for Tim and I. Knowing him, he's not going to leave his side until he's recovered" she said before leaving the room.

Marcus looked at Callie's drawing as it lay upon the table. Keeping his thoughts and concerns to himself, he gently folded it up and placed it in his pocket. With Maggie calling from the bedroom he walked down the hallway to assist her in packing.


Austin and Jake came running up the ramp from the dock to where Tim was standing with Rob. "We found him, damn it....we finally found him" Austin stated throwing his arms around them, trying desperately not to give in to the sobs he'd been holding back. "It's ok buddy" Tim whispered as Austin finally broke down. Rob noticed the injury on Jake's forehead and the dried blood on his face and shirt. "What happened to you" he asked when Jake slid down to the grass on his back, trying to slow his breathing.

"Chance, that's what happened" he replied placing his arm across his eyes to shield from the bright sunlight.

" bad is he" Rob asked cautiously.

Austin finally regained his composure enough to bring them up to date. He told them how they found him leaning against a log, barely conscious but when they approached he grabbed a stick and started to fight. "It was awful, to see him like that, it was like he'd gone mad, Robbie" he added.

"I tried to grab the stick after he swung it at Austin but he flipped it upward and that's when I took the hit to the head" Jake told them, sitting up.

"Strain and his crewmen subdued him, then injected something into his arm. That's when he went limp. Strain picked him up and carried him out to the beach where the rest were waiting" Austin stated.

"Adam sent a text and a video just as they flew over. He gave us the name and address of the medical center they took him to. I let Jenika know so she could tell Maggie and Heather. But I didn't tell her any of this" Tim said, showing the video Adam sent.

"We need to be there for him, for his family. Y'all feel up to it" Tim asked helping Jake up.

"Yeah, I'm good" Jake lied, his head pounding. "Austin?" he called, watching him walking back towards the boat. Austin raised his hand, continuing towards the boat.

"Strain" he called out, boarding the vessel.

The Captain stepped up from below deck, "Austin, I thought you'd be on your way to the hospital"

"Yea, uh..we're heading there in a bit. I just wanted to say..thank you.  You listened when no one else would, you didn't give up and because of you, we didn't either" Austin told him.

"No thanks needed, it's what we do" Strain replied. Austin looked at him in disbelief thinking it was 'just his job?'.." I don't think you.." Austin retorted.

"I understand, I really do, he's family. I'd want someone to do the same for me. Guess that's why it's my job, why I do what I do. You're welcome, now go be with your family, Austin" he replied.

Austin couldn't help himself, he grabbed Strain into a tight hug, patting him on the back. "Say hey to that uncle of yours will ya, he's a good man" Strain stated as Austin head back towards the others.

Entering the emergency room entrance the four recieved odd looks from others waiting for treatment. Without hesitation Tim approached the clerk's desk with the others directly behind them.

"We'll have to access you each individually, Jess I need two more triage nurses here" called out the older woman at the desk.

"Ma'am..ugh no disrespect but that's not why we're here" Tim advised her.

"Son, are you in fear of what may happen if you report what has happened" she asked.

Tim raised his brow as she spoke. "Ma'am, I'm a afraid what you're assuming is incorrect. We are here for Adam Ray"

"Son, where did you get the black eyes from. The man directly behind you appears to have been in some altercation, the dried blood upon his face and clothes with an obvious laceration above his eye. The man standing next to him looks like he has been in quite a fight. Was he the one who caused your injuries? Or was it the overly nervous man standing a few steps away" she asked, concentrating on what she observed and not listening to Tim.

Austin stepped forward about to correct her assumptions when Tim placed a hand on his chest. "Wait" he told him before explaining the situation to the clerk. Still hesitant, the woman finally advised where he was but insisted that Jake have his injury checked.

"Ma'am, I'm fine, it's just a scratch" Jake retorted.

"Young man I suggest you sit down here and let me be the judge" she told him sternly.

"Y'all better do as she says, Jake. We both know what's gonna happen when Heather gets here if ya don't " Tim told him, then turning to Austin " you too bud, no telling what you ran through in those woods".

Rob offered to stay with them to be sure they were treated while Tim went looking for Chance.

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