Chapter 52

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Everyone was gathering in Nashville at Chance's place for a bbq having finally completed the video shoot. He felt it was the least he could do after all he'd put them through,  again, and wanted to explain to everyone else what he'd told Tim. Though he still felt embarassed, he knew they all deserved an explanation.

Sitting around the fire pit, each with their own choice of poison for the evening, Chance looked at his friends before sitting down across from them. Throwing back a shot of Tequila he asked for everyone's attention.

", I've got a few things I want to discuss with y'all " he announced, taking another shot. Rob and Austin exchanged glances, both saw the wonder in each others expressions. Adam sipped his drink while he played a game on his phone. Jenika was sitting on Tim's lap nursing yet another beer while he drank his rootbeer.

"First, I want to apologize for the worry and concern I cost y'all, yet again. That was not my intent" Chance began.

"Yeah, not cool Dude" Austin expressed getting a stern look from Tim. Austin immediately sighed "sorry" before drinking his beer.

"No Austin, you're right, it wasn't cool. I should have just told you guys I was going home for a few days and we could have averted the whole ordeal" he responded.

"To be honest, gave me flashbacks of the last time before the surgery. Really scared me, again" Rob admitted.

"I know, I'm sorry...I...I just didn't think ..and my reason was embarassingly childish" he replied, pounding down another shot.

"Please continue " Adam stated, still absorbed in his game.

"I doubt your reason was childish. Just tell us, sweetie" Jenika encouraged grabbing another beer.

Tim nodded in silent encouragement for him to continue. By the time he was finished Jenika was crying and apologizing for not seeing what he'd been going through. Austin agreed that he too had been lonely since his breakup, feeling the best for him was to just concentrate on himself and found working out to help immensely. Rob stood, walking over to Chance, extending his arms to embrace him, " I'm sorry buddy. I know how bad I get when I'm away from Kelsey. I can't imagine how it's been for you, but we're here, we're brothers. You can always lean on us" he told him, giving him a huge bear hug.

"So, what's the next step. You looking, have a plan" Adam said matter of factly looking up at Chance.

"Really, Adam? You think it's easy to just start over" Jenika asked in disbelief.

"Guys, please..don't argue over my problems. I'm good with it now. Once I cleared my mind and my house of everything that was her, the pictures, memories, the realization that we never were meant to be together forever, that's why I needed to go home. I want what you all have, someday I might. So, no Adam I don't have a plan. I'll leave it up to chance, that whatever or whomever is meant for me will be, someday" Chance informed them all.

Jenika shook her head, " she had no right to treat you like that, to just go off to do her own thing making you think it was temporary, then to hook up with that doctor. Damn it, I'd like to knock some sense into her" she yelled. Jumping up from Tim's lap, she staggered to Chance and locked their lips together, slipping her tongue between his as he stood with his mouth agape by what she said and was doing. He tried to push her off him while she continued to assault his mouth in her drunken stupor. Tim stood, grabbed her by the waist pulling her from Chance "Alright girl, let's go. You've had enough of this party" he stated, throwing her over his shoulder. As he turned to head back to his house she yelled once more, "I've always loved you Chance". Tim shook his head as he carried her back to their place. The other guys tried to hold back their laughter, Chance was more concerned about Tim's feelings about his wife's actions.

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