Chapter 55

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Chance watched from his front door as the driver put the suitcases in the trunk of the taxi. "This can't be happening" he thought while Jenika slipped into the backseat, alone. Slamming the door he turned to the two standing before him.

"Why, why did you bring her into his life. Why did you make me convince him she would love him." he asked Caroline.

"It was a mistake" she replied.

"Ya think!" he retorted. "Hasn't he suffered enough heartache by losing you"

"Not everything was revealed, just as I've told you, it's all part of the plan" she said solemnly.

"Well, there is quite a few flaws in this so called plan of yours. You, you have to fix this, get them back together somehow" he told her.

"They will not be getting back together, ever" she replied .

Chance looked at his father, "Dad, fix this will you, please. Something has to be done, he won't make it this time" he begged as Caroline slipped out the window.

Jenika stared out the window of the plane. How had her life ended up like this. She had a great job, a husband who gave her everything, yet here she sat flying back home having lost it all over one little kiss. Leaning her head against the window she soon dozed off, the memory of the flight they spent together floating through her mind.

"You know, you're not the victim here" came the softly spoken words entering her mind. "You lied to so many, convincing yourself that there was more than just friendship. Befriending him, slyly influencing his decisions, brainwashing him into thinking you had his best interest at heart. And when he listened to you, or so you thought, that imaginary relationship flourished in your mind. You are the reason he and Mina let each other go to discover themselves separately. Granted, it wasn't going to work for them in the end, but you had to step in and cause problems so they couldn't discover it themselves. You are the most self centered, selfish bitch I have ever come across. They both are better off without you in their lives".

"Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that. You are sadly mistaken in your assumptions, he loves me, he's always loved me and now that I'm free of that loser of yours, we can finally be together. It's all part of the plan" Jenika exclaimed loudly.

The other passengers watched as she stood in front of the seat beside her, cursing and punching as if she were fighting. But, the seat was empty. Fearful that she was in a psychotic episode, the stewardess addressed the air marshall in the back of the plane of the situation unfolding. He approached cautiously, asking if there were a problem.

"Of course there is a problem. This bitch sitting here is harassing me" she yelled, trying to reach around the marshall.

"Ma' need to calm down...there is no one sitting there..." he explained.

Jenika continued to strike out eventually striking the marshall in the mouth. "That's it, you're under arrest for disorderly conduct and assaulting a federal police officer" he told her while securing her arms behind her back, reciting the miranda. He advised the stewardess to contact the airport that he would need assistance when they arrived. Once secured back into her seat, she sat once again staring out the window in disbelief as to what had just happened. Turning to say something to the woman beside her, she saw only the officer that sat next to her until they finally landed in Milwaukee where she was taken into custody.

"Dad, have to do something. At least tell me what to do" Chance pleaded again as Caroline returned through the window.

Alan looked at Caroline who nodded in his direction, "it's time" she stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2019 ⏰

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