Chapter 48

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Tim walked into his hotel room, startling Jenika,when she came out of the bathroom.

"Tim, what's wrong, why are you here" she asked approaching cautiously.

"Nothing's wrong. He's being placed into a private room on the med floor, he's out of ICU" he replied yawning before pulling her into a hug. Jenika let out a sigh of relief, thankful Chance was better.

"Baby, you look exhausted. Why don't you lay down for awhile" she coaxed, gently gliding her hand down his hair.

"I just came back to shower while they moved him, I need to get right back" he told her.

"Ok, that's it...I'm pulling rank here. You are putting your ass in that bed and you're going to rest. You have been going non stop for days, on top of having a broken nose. Enough, it's time to take care of yourself" she demanded.

"I slept at the hospital " he replied, gathering clean clothes.

"Timothy Regan Foust " she retorted.

"Oh shit, full name, she's as bad as momma" he thought, stopping in his tracks.

Taking his clothes from him, she led him by the hand, pushing him onto the bed. "Give me your foot" she stated, gesturing with her hand.

Shaking his head he did as he was told. Jenika pulled off both of his boots, then proceeded to remove his shirt. Finally getting him undressed and into the bed, she sat down next to him. "Get some sleep, he's going to be fine, he's getting the best care" she told him before leaving over and kissing him gently on the lips.

"Don't...let me...sleep (yawn) ..too long" he told her, finally giving in. Jenika knew by how quickly he fell asleep he'd be out for hours. She finished getting dressed, left him a quick note and headed out to meet the others.  

Dr. Snyder reviewed the nurse's entries from the overnight shift, noting the change in his vitals when she evaluated him he assumed his reaction was due to the sedation. He wrote new orders to decrease it gradually over the the next 24 hours and to increase oral intake as tolerated. All tests had come back relatively normal despite what he'd been through, now it was time to build up his strength for a full recovery.

Walking down the hallway towards his room Snyder was greeted by Marcus and Maggie,  stopping to inform them of his plan. Marcus, having been his physician since he was a child, discussed the impact this could have on Chance. Even though it was now five years later, he was still concerned due to the occassional migraine he would experience.

"All testing shows no permanent damage from the blow to the head when he was tossed around on the boat. His kidneys are functioning normally despite any salt water he may have consumed. I feel he will fully recover, he'll just need a little time to gain full strength. He will continue on IV fluids until he becomes accustomed to eating and drinking again. His medication will be withdrawn slowly and he should be able to go home by the weekend." he advised.

Maggie thanked him and asked if they could see him. "Absolutely as soon as Ive completed my exam. I would suggest just a few people at a time, perhaps no more than 30 minute intervals at least for today. It's going to take him a day or two to fully come out from the sedation effects" he advise before going into Chance's room.

"Momma can I visit Uncle Chance today " Callie asked, finishing her breakfast on the hotel balcony.

Heather was unsure if she should allow her in the room. Seeing all the tubes and machines may frighten the child and it was a chance she didn't want to take. "I don't know sweetie, it depends on how he's feeling" Heather replied.

"I can make him feel better. He likes it when I rub my hands in his beard, it makes him laugh and laughing makes you feel better" the little one told her.

"That it does, baby. We'll see when we get there, ok" Heather told her while Jake entered the room. "How you feeling, how's your head" she asked surrounding him in her arms.

"Not took bad, just a bit of a headache. He sure hasn't lost his touch for swinging a stick" he chuckled. "You two ready to head back to the hospital".

"Callie, why don't you run to the bathroom and wash up before we leave" Heather reminded her.

"Okay Momma" she answered skipping into the bathroom.

"Jake, she wants to see Chance. She says she can make him feel better. I don't know if it's a good idea. He doesn't look quite like himself right now and with all the machines and stuff, I dont want her to be afraid of him " Heather whispered.

"Babe, she knows what he looks like, she drew him remember. We can't hide everything from her, she'll never learn about life if we try to shield her. We'll see how he's doing and go from there. Even if it's for a few minutes, it will help her understand, okay" Jake replied holding her close.

"Okay but the first sign of her having a problem you take her to the family lounge, got it" Heather stated, looking directly in his eyes.

"Yes, boss" he chuckled before kissing her softly.

Jenika met up with Austin, Adam and Rob in the hotel restaurant for breakfast like they agreed. "Good news guys" she began, sitting down at the table " Chance is being moved out of ICU into a private room today "

Happy to hear the news they then asked when Tim had called to let her know. She explained how he came to their room to shower and change but she convinced him to get some rest.

"How well did that go over " Austin asked before sipping his juice.

"It didn't take much convincing,  basically called him by his full name and ordered him to bed " she laughed "poor guy is exhausted. I don't understand why he puts himself through all this and not just let the doctors handle everything" she remarked as the waitress brought their food.

The guys all looked at one another, they all knew why, they knew the connection, the brotherhood amongst them. There were things that had happened between them that would never be shared, would most likely never be understood by others. And Tim would always carry their history with him, taking responsibility for each one, putting their needs before his own, that's why.

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