Chapter 21

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"He's bound to have a concussion from that whack on the head" the softer voice said, looking him over for any other injuries.

"His own fault, he knows better" the older voice stated.

"I can hear you, ya know" Chance commented as he squint to see the figures before him.

"Well, well look whose back" the older commented.

"Where am I" he asked touching the bump on his head "shit, that hurts"

"Hello from the other side" sang the softer voice.

Chance looked at her with a raised brow "not again" he said, rubbing his hands over his face.

She laughed as she crouched in front of him, " is that what you think, what you want?" she asked.

He looked at her then up at the other figure "" he stammered.

"Calm down, don't get your panties in a bunch. You're not dead, you made a terrible mistake, but you're not dead. How many times did I tell you NEVER go out here alone, set a course and for God's sake TELL SOMEONE before you head out" the older one scolded.

Chance shook his head. "damn, not so loud, my head is killing me"

"Man Up will ya" the older one bellowed.

"'re right I messed up but I didn't think this would happen. I only set out for a bit of time just off shore, to think" Chance replied.

"Well, you're much further than just off shore. Hope you have some strength in those arms, you're going to need it to row back to shore" the softer voice advised.

"Row?...this thing can't be rowed back..have you taken a good look at" he replied sarcastically.

"Should have thought of that too" the older one said, crossing their arms.

"Thanks Dad, thanks alot" Chance replied now trying to stand. "Wait, why didn't the two of you help me"

"You never asked" Caroline answered. Chance stared at the two of them in disbelief. "Life lessons my friend. You go out of your way for your friends, doing anything they ask, but yet when you need help, you hide behind your smile as if nothing is wrong"

Chance ran his hand through his hair, "I don't want to burden them. I've put them through enough already. They have their own lives, I feel like the fifth wheel so to speak "

"Exactly, the spare tire if you will, that holds them up and supports them in their time of need. Let them be your spare tire" Caroline said, touching his cheek.

"I know I probably set the wrong example for you, Adam. Always hiding my emotions, trying to be the stronger one, sometimes coming across as mean. But when all is said and done, the love and support of family and friends is what matters most" his Dad explained.

"So, now what happens" he asked them.

"That's for us to know and you to find out" she teased.

"Oh great, that goes along with the whole story of life's purpose and the job I have to complete" Chance sarcastically replied. "Well, I wish you'd give me some sort of clue cause I have no freaking idea where this life is leading me, nothing and no one has come along to change it like you said Caroline"

"Has he always been this impatient" she asked his Dad.

"He's had his moments" he laughed.

"I'm glad you both think this is funny. I nearly died here, again. Are you going to help me or not" he retorted.

"Nope, this one is on you" his father replied as the boat lurched forward.

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