Chapter 13

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Having fallen asleep while drifting along the sea, Chance was unaware of the approaching storm until he felt droplets of rain tapping in his face. As he sat up, attempting to gain his bearings, he found the darkened skies rapidly approaching.

"Shit...shit" he yelled, scrambling to gain control of the midsize vessel as the waves increased. "Keep your mind clear, you've done this before " he told himself as he strapped on his life jacket and attempted to turn the vessel around. As he looked around, he realised he must have been drifting longer than he thought because there was no sign of land, anywhere.

The rain and wind had picked up quickly as Jake left work to head home. He'd been periodically checking Chance's place since he moved to Tennessee and decided with the storm surging in the area he should stop to be sure the boat mooring was secure.

Pulling into the driveway he noticed the upstairs window open, the curtains billowing from the wind. "What the hell..." he thought as he checked the front door, finding it locked. He ran around to the back, pushing his way through the forcing wind, finding the back door swinging in the breeze. Jake always carried a gun, just in case, it was a way of life in those parts. Drawing the gun from under his shirt, he made his way through the house. Finally climbing the stairs he found the door open to Chance's room. Glancing quickly, finding no one he immediately closed the window. As he turned he saw the suitcase in the closet. "He's here, why didn't he tell us"  he thought as the wind blew open the french doors in the other room. Jake called out "Chance...Chance is that you?" while running to the other room. Quickly securing the door before anymore rain came inside, Jake then scanned for any other signs of Chance, finding none.

As he walked back down stairs he placed the gun back in his waistband and he tried to make sense of finding the house open,  empty and where his future brother in law could be.

With the ever swelling waves tossing the boat upon the sea Chance worked feverishly to keep it upright. He found checking the navigation system fruitless, the dials not moving and broken.

A loud clap of thunder caused him to jump, letting go of the steering the force of the wave knocked him to the deck. Pulling himself along anything that was secure, he finally climbed back into the seat, again attempting to gain control. Minutes turned into what seemed like hours as he continued to struggle with keeping the boat afloat, his arms weakening from holding on tight. Claps of thunder, lightening dancing across the water surrounded him. He'd been on rough waters before but never as intense as this, he always respected the sea, knowing how unpredictable it truly was. He'd kept the first rule of sailing, "stay on the boat" he told himself as he tried to clear his eyes of the water pelting his face just as the waves crashed across, knocking him down once more.

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