Chapter 3

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Jenika quietly entered the other bus making her way to the couch she tossed the pillow on the arm and crouched herself in the corner, covering herself with the blanket. She couldn't sleep, she just stared out into the dark night, tears flowing down her face. She didn't want Tim to feel bad, he'd more than earned his new body. It had been tough for him to stop drinking after relying on it as a crutch for so long after Caroline had passed. He worked hard and he deserved to enjoy the benefits and she was so proud of what he had accomplished in such a short period of time. So why, why was she so jealous.

Tim sat in the back lounge, his hands wrapped around his head as he leaned forward on his knees. Chance quietly walked in closing the door behind him before sitting down on the other end of the sofa.

"I really don't want to talk right now" he told Chance without looking up.

"Too bad, we're going to" Chance replied.

Tim leaned back, resting his head on the back of the sofa, his eyes still closed. He hesitated, " Chance what is happening, why is she being so irrational. I don't get it"

"Seriously? You don't get it" Chance said sarcastically.

"And I suppose you do" Tim retorted.

"She feels threatened, Tim. Can't you see it? You've changed your whole image. You've stopped drinking, you've improved your over all health and you have a new sense of self worth, confidence" Chance told him.

"She should be happy that I finally feel good about myself" Tim answered.

"I'm sure she does, but you have to admit, you like the attention you're getting" he replied.

Tim just looked at him for a moment. "Chance, I loved Caroline with every fiber of my being. And she loved me, me of all people, just the way I was. A goofy, shy, tall kid with a slight overbite who everyone picked on. I wasn't confident in who I was or how I looked cause somehow it didn't matter with her" Tim replied quietly.

"Why do you think it matters to Jen? She fell in love with you long before this" Chance told him.

"Look at me, I'm pushing 40, starting to get a little gray and my wife hasn't even hit 30 yet. I did it for her Chance. I never thought I'd love again after Caroline, and surely not have someone as young as Jen attracted to me. I...I want to be sure to keep her..." he told him.

"Well, if you don't stop flirting and carrying on, all your hard work is going to be wasted" Chance told him as he stood to leave. "Talk to her, don't let this ruin what you two have, Tim. I'm going to bed, my head is killing me" Chance stated.

Tim looked at him with a raised brow "you ok?"

"Yeah, too much whiskey, for real this time" he replied.

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