Chapter 8

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A few weeks had passed since Tim and Jenika made up and the group was looking forward to the upcoming week off. Tim had a surprise waiting for Jenika when they returned to Tennessee.

Walking into the recording studio Darren greeted Tim while Jenika waved and made her way to the coffee machine. "Did you tell her" Darren asked as they walked into the control booth.

"No, she thinks we are here to work on a few tracks for the group's upcoming single" he smiled, sitting down at the control board. "Did you get the arrangements I sent you" he asked as he watched Jenika walk by towards the lounge.

"Yes, I tweaked them a tad, but I think they are all set for her" Darren replied.

"Great, let me go give her the good news and we'll be back in a few to get started" Tim replied as he head towards the door.

"Ok, I'll que up the accompanimet we recorded so she can start immediately" Darren told him.

"Hey, thanks for doing this Darren. This has been a dream of hers since she was a little girl" Tim told him, turning before he opened the door.

"My pleasure, Tim. I have a feeling this is going to turn into more than just a childhood dream" he smiled as Tim walked away.

Jenika sat in the lounge scrolling through social media while sipping her coffee. Even during time off she was always checking updates, schedules and public opinions of the guys. She smiled as  she looked up at Tim when he walked in.

Tim held out his hand, "come with me" he said.

"Okay" she replied with a quizical look. Taking his hand Tim led her back to the recording studio. Once outside the studio he took her phone, placed it in his pocket and opened the door just as Darren began playing the music sound track Tim gave him. Leading her inside, she quickly placed her hand over her mouth as she recognized the song. Her song, the one she'd written. The one that expressed her feelings on the day they wed. A tear escaped her eye as she looked at him.

"Don't cry, Darlin" he whispered as he gently wiped the tear from her cheek. She closed her eyes as a few more tears trickled down her face. Tim gently kissed each one " this is for you, it's your turn" he said softly.

Darren smiled as Tim led her to a nearby chair. As she composed herself, Tim explained everything and that she could begin at anytime. "You have my undivided attention the whole week" Darren told her.

" I...oh my...I don't know what to say. I'm overwhelmed with joy and scared to death all at the same time" she nervously replied, wiping her eyes with her hands.

Tim leaned over and kissed the top of her head "Take a few to calm, listen to the music and you can begin when you're ready".

Jenika closed her eyes, listening to the music as it played softly, she began to sing along. It sound just as she had imagined in her mind the day she wrote it.

"Ok, I think I'm ready" she told them before Tim took her to the recording booth. He handed her the headphones, explaining what she would hear. "Take your time, Darlin. No rush. I'll be right on the otherside with Darren". She smiled and gave him a quick kiss before he stepped out.

Tim watched her as she sang her words, her true feelings. He choked back the lump in his throat as she became lost in the music.

Once she was finished Darren asked her to step into the control room. She was a bit apprehensive at first, she'd never recorded before and felt sure it wouldn't be up to his standards. "Jenika, listen" he told her as Tim handed her a bottle of water.

"That's....that's me?" she asked surprised.

"That my friend is not only you but a perfect recording for your first time" he told her.

"Seriously...for real" she questioned.

"For real. I think, if you have enough material, we could begin an album" Darren told her.

She looked at Tim, again she asked "for real?" Tim chuckled, " yes baby, for real".

Darren advised he would finish the sound mix of the music, add a tweak to her background vocals and would have it ready by the next day. "I really think you should consider releasing this right away, an EP of at least this song. Tim tells me you've been writing for quite sometime, bring what you have and we'll get you started towards an entire album" Darren told her.

Jenika jumped up and down, filled with excitement then told Tim "Thank you so much"

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