Chapter 20

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Jake met Tim at the airport then drove the hour long ride to Maggie's. He filled him in on everything they had done and knew so far, still hopeful he would be found safe somewhere.

"Could you take me to his place, I'd like to stay there, if you don't mind" Tim asked looking out the window.

"This isn't your fault, Tim" Jake replied.

"Sure feels like it is. I should have known, should have seen any signs he needed to get away. I was too wrapped up in my own life. I'm sure Maggie and Heather would like to string me up from the tallest tree" Tim stated.

"I know how close you two are, we all do. And you know as well as we do, Chance won't ask. He's always there for everyone else without question but when it comes to himself, well he'd rather handle things alone" Jake replied.

"Yeah, he can be stubborn" Tim replied as they pulled into Chance's driveway.

Tim grabbed his bags while Jake unlocked the door. "I'll wait for you while you put your things away. You know Ms. Maggie will not accept you not coming there" Jake told him.

Tim gave out a heavy sigh " I know but I have to at least stay here. I'll be back in a minute". Once upstairs he walked into the bedroom where he had stayed years before, nothing had changed, it was all exactly the same. Memories of their conversations flood his mind as he walked to the french doors.  Stepping onto the balcony he leaned on the railing, searching across the salty sea, helplessly hoping he would find his brother safe and soon.

Maggie worked tirelessly in the kitchen, kneading the bread dough on the counter. The table was lined with several baked goods including pastries and pies. She was lost in her thoughts as she floured the board once again reminiscing of the time Chance had come home, surprised her making dinner and began a flour fight with Heather as she sat by watching. She could hear the laughter echoing in her mind. Suddenly she felt a tug on her apron, bringing her from the past. As she looked down, she wiped the flour on her hand across the tiny little nose and smiled making Callie giggle.

"Mom, what on earth are you doing? It looks like a bakery in here" Heather commented picking up her daughter.

"Mimi floured my nose " Callie laughed.

"I see that" Heather smiled giving her daughter a quick kiss.

"Just baking a bit for supper" Maggie replied, turning back to the bread dough.

"Baby, can you go play for a bit,  I need to talk with Mimi" Heather asked.

"Ok mommy" she replied scurrying off to the living room.

Heather put her hand over Maggie's "Mom, stop. Come sit with me, have some tea" she told her trying to lead her to the table.

"No, I have to finish this bread it's your brother's favorite" she replied, gently pulling away.

"Momma, please. You're exhausted. You've been going non stop since Marcus told us" Heather coaxed.

"I can't, if I stop I'll fall completely apart" Maggie replied as a tear slid down her cheek.

Hearing the front door open, Maggie quickly wiped her hands as she turned, her heart skipped a beat hoping it was Chance. She stared as Jake and Tim walked in.

Jake hugged Heather as Maggie approached Tim. Fearing she was about to slap him hard, he braced himself as she stood in front of him. Tears flowed from her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him, "please, Tim" was all she said as he hugged her tight.

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