Chapter 54

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Tim listened intently to what Heather was telling him, closing his eyes as the tears welled within them. She felt he deserved the truth, after all he'd done to save her brother, not once but twice, she refused to keep the secret anymore.

"Tim...are you still there" she whispered having not heard a response.

He quickly cleared his throat, wiped his eyes, hoping his voice wouldn't crack he merely answered "Yes".

"Just remember what I told you, ok" Heather told him.

"Thank you. I'm sorry I woke you..I just needed to..." his voice trailed off as he could no longer control his emotion.

"Tim, you're as much a brother to me as he is. Whatever and whenever you need me I'm just a call away" she told him before hanging up.

Jenika woke to a pounding headache and nauseating taste in her mouth. She blocked her eyes from the brightness flowing through the bedroom window. Looking around for Tim, finding him nowhere, she gradually made her way into the bathroom.

Tim sat at the kitchen table waiting, staring into his coffee cup he heard the shower in the bathroom.

Jenika threw her wet hair atop her head, slipped on a pair of shorts and one of Tim's shirts then followed the aroma of fresh brewed coffee to the kitchen. "There you are" she smiled grabbing a cup of coffee.  Sitting down across from him she waited til he looked up. "Damn, you look like I feel. You'd think you were the one with the hangover" she laughed. Tim didn't respond, he just stared into her eyes.

"What's wrong? Has something happened" she asked.

"We need to talk" he told her without taking his eyes off her.

Feeling extremely uncomfortable by his stare she was afraid to ask why. "Okay, what do we need to talk about" she asked.

"Last night, what you did and why" he spoke with an even tone.

Sipping her coffee, her mind semi in a fog from the headache she still had, she had no recollection of what he referred. She furrowed her brow in confusion.

Tim watched as she mentally searched for what he was referring to. " You don't remember do you" he stated, staring into her eyes looking for a sign.

Jenika racked her brain for anything, a tidbit even of what he was asking.  She began to talk as she walked herself through the days events. " We all were at the video shoot, after that everyone gathered out back with Chance for a bbq. We just sat around, eating, drinking, talking around the fire pit.  That's all I remember."

"You seriously don't recall anything else, course then again with the amount of beer you were downing, I can see why your memory could be a bit foggy" he stated sarcastically.

"Why are you being so mean" she asked, feeling hurt by his remark.

"Mean? I'm being mean? Jenika what you did last night..." he stopped himself before he screamed. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.

"Tim, I have no idea what you're talking about. Just tell me, what the hell did I do!" she demanded.

Tim stood, bent over the table, looked directly in her eyes "You kissed Chance, not a peck like friends. No you, you had to full blown out kiss my best friend and told him that you had always loved him in front of everyone. That's what you did" he growled pounding his fist on the table. Jenika stared at Tim, shaking. She'd never seen him like this before, this angry. "Say something, damn it" he bellowed.

"You can't possibly think I meant that more than as a friend, and I was drunk as you so graciously pointed out" she retorted trying to sound defiant so he wouldn't know how frightened she was of him right now.

He sensed her fear, he would never strike a woman, he wasn't abusive, that's not how he was raised. He was hurting, he wanted answer. He wanted her to tell him what he already knew, the truth.

Tim sat back down, laying his arms on the table. Jenika reached across to touch him as she told him how much she loved him.  Tim pulled away from her touch. "You know, they say people speak the truth when they're drunk. I truly believe that, hell that's been the only real time I've ever opened up to anyone. You spoke the truth last night"

"Tim, that's insane...please I love you" she pleaded.

"Maybe you do, or think you do..I don't know...but what you did last night...I just can't overlook that... Jen, I think it's best that we spend some time apart for awhile" he explained, trying to keep his voice from cracking.

"What? Why?" she asked in disbelief.

"You, we both have some things to sort out. I've already spoken with Adam, you will not be going on tour with us. He will contact you later" he told her as he stood.

"Where are you going to stay" she asked, tearfully.

"Oh Darlin, I'm not are. Your plane for Wisconsin leaves at 3, your bags are already packed and on the front porch" he calmly told her.

"You're throwing me out, of my home?" she cried, now walking towards him.

"Please, don't make this any harder than it already is. Go home,   reflect on what it is you really want in your life" he told her.

"Tim, what about us. You're just going to throw us away, give up?" she asked.

"If it's meant to be, it will be" he replied. " You better go change, your ride will be here soon to take you to the airport" turning he grabbed his truck keys and head for the door.

"Aren't you even going to say goodbye" she said, holding her arms out towards him.

"I just did" he replied and walked out the door.

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