Chapter 9

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Chance had decided to head to Alabama during the break. Something was off, he couldn't put his finger on it but knew he would find answers back home.

He hadn't told his mother or Heather he was coming, he needed a day or two alone, to clear his mind, to center himself.

As soon as he landed, he grabbed a taxi to take him to his place at the shore. The ride through the back roads were part of what he needed, the smell of the fresh country air along with the aroma of the salty sea was what would truly heal his soul.

Tossing his bags on the bed he immediately opened the shades and windows, allowing the warm summer breeze to flow through. He walked to the room where Tim had stayed so many years ago and flung open the french doors, stepping out to the gorgeous view before him. The waves crashed upon the shore while the sun glistened like diamonds on the water.

Leaning his face upward, he basked in the warmth of the sun. He was home.


Jenika knocked again on the front door to Chance's place. His car parked in the driveway concerned her even more that there was no answer.

"Tim....Tim" she called as she entered their backdoor "do you know where Chance is" she asked as Tim walked into the kitchen.

Looking out the window and seeing his El Camino in the driveway, he merely responded "ugh..home...why?"

"He's not answering the door. Don't you think that's odd. Do you think he's alright?" she questioned.

"I'm sure he's fine, mother hen. He's probably catching up on some sleep or took a walk in the back fields. You worry too much" he told her getting the pitcher of sweet tea from the fridge.

"It's my job to worry about you guys" she retorted.

"And we love you for it, but really, he's fine. Let's get your music together for tomorrow " he told her, handing her a glass of tea.

"Baby, thank you again for this recording session. I don't know how I will repay you for making this dream come true" she replied.

"Oh I can think of a few ways" he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

A few hours had passed, the sun had set and Tim noticed there were no lights on in Chance's house as he glanced out the kitchen window. Concerned now he left to go check on his friend but not before grabbing the extra key he kept hidden on the back porch.

Knocking on the door with no response, he felt an uneasy feeling as he slipped the key in the lock. He called out to Chance while walking through the door, hoping not to startle him while turning on a light. Tim looked around, nothing seemed out of place. He turned on a light in each room he entered, still finding no sign of his friend. As he now stood in front of the bedroom door, noticing it was partially ajar, he took a deep breath. For whatever reason, at that moment, Tim was truly scared of what he would find. "Why am I so scared, he's been fine for over 4 years. He's ok, he has to be" he thought to himself before opening it a bit wider. " Chance, buddy..hey you ok" he asked as he stepped in the room. No response, he turned on the table lamp, thinking if he was having a headache it would not bother him as much. Tim looked around, Chance was no where to be found. "What the hell" he said aloud as he scanned the room. He walked to the closet and found his suitcase and a few clothes were missing. "Why didn't he tell me he was going away"  he thought now closing the door behind him.

Walking down the hallway he heard the front door open, it was Jenika. Fear for the worst was in her eyes. "Is he ok" she asked, her voice shaking.

"Calm down, Darlin. He's not even here. His bag and clothes are gone. I have no idea where or why " Tim told her as he hugged her.

Jenika stepped back, "he didn't tell you anything, not even a note" she asked.

"No, nothing" he replied as they walked through and turned off all the lights.

"That's really strange don't you think" she stated when Tim locked the door.

Walking back to their place Tim had an uneasy feeling when the thought occurred to him, "he's done this before".

A New Life, Part 2 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now