Chapter 46

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Jenika wrapped her arms around her husband when he emerged from Chance's room. Holding him tight he buried his face into her neck. "Baby, it's over. He's home and he's going to be fine. You can breathe" she whispered.

Tim wanted to believe her that everything was going to be fine but the question still remained.. why did he leave without telling anyone and why did he venture out alone. Until he had the answers, he didn't feel as if he could breathe.

Jake, Austin and Rob met the others in the family lounge adjacent to the intensive care unit. Austin and Jake were both wearing scrubs having had their clothes taken away once they were examined and treated. Tim noticed the bandage above Jake's eye, "how many" he asked.

"Seven" he replied.

"What about you" he then asked Austin. "None, just a few scratches and some funky thing in my hair. We both ended up showering and having our clothes thrown out" Austin answered.

Looking around he noticed someone was missing, "where's Adam?"

"He's outside, said he needed to get some air " Rob replied just as Chance's family arrived. Tim needed to find him, to be sure he was okay. He began to step aside to do so when Maggie walked over and gave him a hug.

"Thank you, thank you again for bringing my boy back to me" she expressed through tears of relief.

"Ms. Maggie, I didn't do anything. Jake and Austin were the ones who found him. If it hadn't been for Austin contacting his uncle for help I'm not sure we'd all be here right now. They're the ones you should be thanking, not me. If you'll excuse me, I need to go find Adam" he replied walking towards the doorway.

Jenika moved quickly, touching Tim on the shoulder. "Baby, are you okay? I'll come with you to find Adam"

Giving her a quick kiss he asked her to stay with the rest of the group "I need to go alone, we'll be back soon" he assured her before walking down the hall. She watched as he made his way to the elevators, concern lingering in her mind at his response to everything.

Adam sat under a nearby tree across from the hospital entrance. Resting his hands on his knees, holding his phone, he played the rescue video over and over.

"Hey" Tim said, sliding down along the tree next to him.

"Ya know, I watched in person and I've reviewed this over and over. I don't get it Tim. What happened, what got us to this point, what got him to this point" Adam stated, never taking his eyes off the video.

"What do you mean" Tim replied, wondering if Adam had the same thoughts as he did.

Adam turned, "is he trying to harm himself" he asked quietly.

To be honest Tim had been thinking the same thing. Before the surgery and all the pain he went through it was understandable he may have felt that way. Lord knows how excruciating it was for him. But now, almost five years later, it was as if history were repeating itself. "I don't know, Adam. He's made a miraculous recovery, he's regained everything he could have lost for good. I just don't know "

Adam looked back at the video. "I just want us back to what we used to be, ya know."

"Me too" Tim replied, "me too".

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