Chapter 10

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"So you haven't heard anything from him" Tim replied into the phone as Jenika walked in drying her hair with a towel. "Ok, yeah I know. Sure..yes, I will. Talk with you soon" he continued before hanging up.

"Well" she asked.

"That was Nate. I called to see if maybe Chance mentioned something to him about where he might have gone. He said no, that he seemed fine when he last saw him at the airport when we switched connecting flights before break" he informed her.

"I don't like this at all, Tim. It's not like him to not tell us what's going on" she commented, brushing her hair.

"I need to get in touch with the guys, to see if they know anything.  Let's set up a conference with the computer. Would you set the laptop up while I text the guys to get online in half an hour. I want to jump into the shower quick" he asked her.

Jenika went to the living room to set up the laptop and grabbed them each a drink. She then scrolled through her phone to see if perhaps he posted anything on social media while she waited.

Tim quickly texted Austin, Rob and Adam telling them to be online in 30 minutes and he would explain then. Grabbing his pajama bottoms, he quickly headed to the shower.


Chance sat on the lounge chair near the fire pit. Watching the fire and listening to the waves crash against the shore was mesmerizing. A calmness over took him, a feeling he had desperately been searching for the past few months.

"Adam" the familiar voice whispered as he closed his eyes.


Once everyone joined in, Tim explained that Chance was "among the missing".

"Not again" Austin replied. Jenika furrowed her brow, "what do you mean 'again'" she asked.

Rob and Adam asked if he had checked for messages he may have missed, a note, a text, anything. Tim answered each question as they asked it.

"What about his phone, the tracker. That's how we found him last time" Austin remarked with Adam and Rob agreeing.

"Will someone please tell me what the hell you are talking about! You, Austin stated not again and you two ask about tracking his phone. Damn it, start explaining" she demanded out of fear.

"Calm down, Darlin" Tim told her taking her hand which she immediately slipped from his, now crossing her arms.

"Okay then" he replied to her actions. He then proceeded to tell her about the incident years ago when after he'd had an episode Chance rented a vehicle and left without telling them. He left out the portion he had intended on taking his own life. He told himself it was to keep her from worrying even more when in reality he didn't want to relive that again. He'd pushed it as far out of his mind as he could after Chance regained consciousness, and if he brought it up now, he wouldn't be able to handle the possibilty he may be thinking the same again.

"Tim...Tim" Adam called his name again.

Shaking his head back from his thoughts he merely responded "what".

Adam widened his eyes at him, "he's still medically stable, right"

Tim shrugged, "as far as we know, yes. He hasn't mentioned anything, we haven't seen anything different"

"Yeah, well...we didn't know it last time either..." Rob trailed off. He too didn't want to relive the past but he was unsure just how much of the past Jenika knew.

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