Chapter 16

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Tim listened as Adam explained the video recording would go on as planned, too much money had been invested already to delay it. He told Jenika to contact the costume designer to have everything ready even for Chance just in case he shows up.

"What if he doesn't " Austin asked nervously.

"We'll work around him" Adam replied.

"How can you be so calm about all this, Adam. He's not here and we have no fucking idea where he is or if he is even ok" Tim growled. Jenika slipped his hand in hers, giving hom a little squeeze, trying to calm him down.

"I have to agree, Adam" said Rob " do you know something we don't?"

They all looked intently at the screen. Adam looked down for a moment, " no but he's a grown man. He can make his own decisions, we can't force him to tell us where he's going or to check in" he replied.

"True to a point, BUT" Tim emphasized " he's done this before, remember. And his reason clearly wasn't based on being an adult making rational dicisions"

Adam looked at the photo he found on Instagram. "Guys, did you check all his posts over the past few months"

"So many times I can't remember which ones are where.  You have one in particular you're thinking of" Austin asked.

"Check this Instagram post" he said, showing the photo he pulled up.

They all began scrolling through the posts till they found the same picture. "Ok, so he's standing in the dessert with his camera taking a picture. Could be any dessert, how's that gonna help" Tim stated.

"It's not the dessert. It's what's on his arm" Adam replied.

They all looked intently at the picture. There, on his left forearm, was the closest clue they had to where he might be.
     "I was a sailor, I was born upon the tide and with the sea I did abide "

"Why didn't I think of this" Tim said solemnly. Having spent time there with him, he knew better than anyone the sea, the sea is where he would go for comfort,  healing.

"Why didn't ANY of us think of this" added Rob.

"It's his home, his solitude" Austin said as he smacked his palm against his forehead.

"Guys, don't beat yourselves up. We all were so worried about it being his health and the secrecy again, we were clouded by our thinking" Jenika told them.

"But, we don't know for a fact that's where he is" Adam said "though it's a good place to start".

"And we don't know that it's not health related" Tim added.

"Why not just call his family to see if he's there" Rob remarked.

Tim, Austin and Adam all said at once "Heather, that's why".

Rob looked startled at their response then remembered what their last encounters with her had been like. "Oh yeah, good point" he replied.

"Adam, what about the shoot. You sure we can't postpone it. With  Chance gone, it's going to cause a problem" Jenika asked.

"Adam, I...I need to go, to try and find him" Tim said nervously.

"We can head out first thing in the morning" Jenika said, rubbing his back.

"Jenika, we need you here. We need you to coordinate with the set designers. I've contacted the guys at Green Shoe Creative and let them know that both Chance and Tim won't be onset tomorrow. That way they can plan the portions for the rest of us accordingly" Adam stated, looking more at Tim, " I knew you would want to go if we came up with anything "

Tim acknowledged with a nod, "Darlin, you need to be here. Besides, knowing Chance he's not going to want everyone around" Tim told her.

She nodded in agreement and told Adam she would handle whatever he needed her to. She then walked away to arrange the plane and car reservations for Tim to leave first thing in the morning.

"Adam..." he began.

"Tim, just find him..please just find him" Adam said before he had a chance to say more. Tim stared at the faces on the screen before him, they were scared, he assured them that he would.

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