Chapter 11

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Chance opened his eyes at the sound of his name being said, but no one was there. He looked up at the heavens "I know you're here" he smiled before quelling the fire and returning inside for the night.

He hadn't been back since moving to Tennessee four years ago. He missed being here, in their house. Yes, their house. He knew what was truly wrong, he'd known it for some time. He missed her, he missed Mina. But he knew the life they had planned together was now just a memory. She chose her career over him and in the process fell in love with another.

As he walked through the house, his mind flooded with memories. The plans they made, the family they wanted, the first time they made love in their home. His heart ached knowing it would never be.

"Why did I even come back" he said aloud as he looked at the photos upon the mantle, touching each one of her.

"Because you need closure " the voice replied behind him.


Tim had checked the tracking app on his phone just as the guys suggested. And just like last time, Chance had turned off his phone. "What the hell Chance, don't do this to me again" he thought to himself.
He laid in bed, racking his brain trying to find something, some sign, anything that would give him a clue to where he might have gone. Nothing. He couldn't sleep and decided to check through Chance's place again. He quietly slipped out of bed, trying not to disturb Jenika as she slept. He slipped on his tee shirt, grabbed the keys and walked out the back door.

Unlocking his friends home once again gave him an uneasy feeling, added with guilt that he was about to snoop through his best friends home. "What am I doing? This isn't right. He's a grown man, he has every right to do and go wherever he wants. He doesn't need my permission " he told himself out loud before turning off the light and leaving.

As he climbed back in bed Jenika turned over, "did you find anything" she asked quietly.

Tim apologized for waking her and explained he didn't feel right going through his things.

"I understand. I've been thinking, if anyone knows where he is it would be Heather. We should call her in the morning" she replied with a yawn.

Tim pulled her close and whispered for her to go back to sleep. Maybe she was right, Heather may know where he is, it was worth a try and decided they would call her in the morning.


"Why now" the voice asked.

" You tell me" he replied walking up the stairs to his room.

"Adam, I don't need to tell you. You know, in your heart, you know" they said.

"I tried... I can't. Everywhere I go, I see reminders of how we were..her holding my hand, kissing my face..there's a part of her in every part of me" he quietly replied.

"Then why come here, everything here is her" they said.

"That's why, everything here is her. No one mentions her anymore, they've all forgotten. But I just can't" he answered climbing into his bed. "Everyone has someone, all I have are memories" he mumbled as he drifted off.

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