Chapter 24

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"Breathe, Tim..just breathe" Marcus coached as he brought Tim out of panic mode. Jake walked out to check on the two just as Tim took one large deep breath that finally calmed him down. He sat down next to Tim, "we're going to find him" he tried to assure him, patting him on the knee.

"I know..I know " Tim managed to say as he stayed leaning against his knees.

"Tim, look at me," Marcus said, still kneeling in front of him.

Tim raised his swollen eyes up to look at the older man, "I know what you're thinking, but none of this is your fault. We all know Chance, he's strong willed, makes his own choices. Granted not always the best, but he tries to handle things, his way. He learned that from his Dad."

Tim nodded in agreement, no truer words have been spoken about his friend. He just had this bond, a bond he didn't want broken, not yet, not this way. It just made him feel helpless that he missed whatever brought him here and that he couldn't fix it.

Surprised they had dried so quickly, Chance grabbed his boxers from the limb and slipped them on before walking into the wooded area.

"Might as well gather some wood and make a fire. Maybe the smoke will be noticed by a passing boat or something" he said aloud to himself, breaking off as many limbs he could off nearby trees. He then dug an area in the sand to make a small fire pit, surrounding it with a few large rocks. Knowing any type of matches or lighter that may have been in the boat would be too wet, he checked the area for anything he could use as a reflector. Remembering an old mason jar was below deck he climbed back aboard to retrieve it. Once beside the fire pit, he laid pieces of grass and a few leaves inside. Breaking the jar against a rock, he picked up the largest piece, rinsing it off in the water, then held it at an angle over the grass so that the sun reflected through it. Soon the grass caught fire to which he added the smaller twigs he found until he'd built it up enough to burn the limbs.

Chance stood and chuckled "the things you do messing around as a kid really do come in handy someday". Hearing the grumbling of his belly he realized it'd been some time since he'd eaten anything let alone drank anything. Not sure what kind of land he was now stranded upon he was unsure what he may find to eat. One thing he was sure of was if his gear was still in the boat he could at least try fishing. He quickly head back to check.

The Captain opened the door asking the three to come back inside. He had an idea and wanted to discuss it with them before going ahead. Once back inside he informed them they were able to make contact with another coast guard station for assistance. He stated that he contacted Captain Myer at the Dauphin Island station who agreed to help in the search.

"Isn't that quite a bit more south of here" Jake asked.

"Yes, it's south of Alabama port" the Captain replied.

"Does he think he's out that far" Marcus asked, obvious concern in his voice.

"There's always a chance he could even be farther than that. Right now we don't know where he is. That sudden storm was intense, he could have been tossed around anywhere. But, are you absolutely sure he was out on the water, that he's not at home or with friends" the Captain stated.

Tim stood and looked out the window towards the ocean, staring off into the horizon. He then turned towards the rest " He's out there, I know him, this is where his soul thrives. He's out there, I can feel it "

Marcus and Jake agreed. The Captain told them he would recontact Captain Myer and get the search crews organized to head out within the hour. He suggested they return home, he would call with any updates as soon as he had any. Tim reluctantly left with them but insisted they drop him off at Chance's place. He didn't tell them why, he just needed to be there, by himself, in his surroundings, to think, reflect and hopefully find the answers of why he'd left.

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