Corbyn //date night//

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Corbyn//date night//
//funny, Cute//

I got out of the shower and dried my hair first. Then I put on comfy/ cute clothes because I'm going to have a date with Corbyn, it's been along time seeing him. I did my makeup and my hair. *knock, knock* ohhhh that must be Corbyn, I go downstairs with my phone, purse, and then I open the door. I see Corbyn dressed like me, "wow we're matching" I say. "Wait what we are?!?" He says. "Look" I say. Then he looks at his outfit, he then looks at me up and down. "Well you look hotter than me, that's what I can say" Corbyn said. "No, I think you do?" I say. "Well thank you, but you look hotter than me" he says. "Thank you, were are we going?" I say in a baby voice. "It's a surprise" he says. "Oh come on" I whined. Then he grabs my hand and drags me to his car. "Put this on" he says, while giving me a blindfold. "Why do I need this and can you please help me before you drive?" I ask. "Sure I'll help you but I'm not telling you why you need this" he says, while helping me put the blindfold on. After that he started to drive.

Few mins later.

"We're here" He says. "Can I take it off now?" I said. "No not yet" he says while getting out of the car. Then he opens my door and reaches my hand, I hold his hand, and he brand me outside. While I was walking with Corbyn blindfolded, I felt sand on my feet. "Just wait here I need to get ready" he says. 2 minutes later. "Now you can take off your blindfold" he says. I took of my blindfold, I saw Corbyn on his knees, wait is he? "Y/n  I want to spend my whole life with you" he says. Then he takes something form his pocket. "Y/n Y/l/n would you except this ring and to spend my whole life with me?" he says. "How can I say no" I said, then tears start to come out of my eyes. Then Corbyn stood up and hugged me and carried me to this blanket fortress thingy. "I love you" I said. "I love you more" he says. "No I love you more than you love me" I say. "That's impossible" he says. Then we looked at the view and talked and did some stuff together. "I love you" he says. "I love you" I say.

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