Corbyn//our love is six feet under//

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Corbyn//our love is six feet under//

Corbyn's Pov

"Really think I found my home
Shorty make me feel at home
She made me leave the thrills at home
And I'm fine with it
She really made me lose control
I'ma let my love unfold
We're just two lost souls
But we're fine with it
Life is not the same
With your pictures in my frame
Now that you're here
I want nothing to change
You pick me up when I'm down
I need you around
You seen me through my darkest times
Girl, is there something that you try to find?
You brought meaning to my life
All because of you, I do right
Because of you, I have a purpose
Fight for the world, because you're worth it"

I hope Kylie wins, she's been working really hard.

Kylie's Pov

"And the winner is ALL YOUR FAULT". "SO KYLIE COME UP HERE". I went up in the stage and it was surprising. "Thank you guys for all your". "This is life changing cause I've been invited and nominated but I didn't win". "But thank you guys love you". Then the rest of the show went on. Two hours later. At the after party. "Hahahaha". "I can't believe you won" Ariana said. "Thank you for helping me through all the rough times". "No problem girl, I'm always here". "Well I better get going". "Bye Ari see around". "You too". "Wow it's loud but the food is amazing here". "Ummm". "Hey Kylie congrats". I lifted up my head and saw Corbyn. "Oh thanks congrats on your Grammy award". "Are you ok Corbyn cause you look like your tired?". "I'm okay just tired". "Ya right". "I'm not drunk". "Okay"

Kylie's Pov

"Tell me something, I need to know
Then take my breath and never let it go
If you just let me invade your space
I'll take the pleasure, take it with the pain

And if in the moment I bite my lip
Baby, in that moment, you'll know this
Is something bigger than us and beyond bliss
Give me a reason to believe it"

I'm currently in the mall with Daniel. Daniel's been very nice to me. I'm not saying that he wasn't nice to me in the past. But once I broke up with Daniel he's been nicer. Not even him the whole band. Do they like me??? Or love me??? "Dani can ask you something?". "Sure What is it?". "Why are you and the boys treating me more nicer than before, after me and Corbyn broke up,?". "I don't know?". "You don't have to tell me". "I'm not gonna tell you then". "Okay". "Now I'm really hungry" I whined. "Then let's go to somewhere we can eat". "Maybe Chipotle?" I responded. "Sure". We went out of the mall and drove to Chipotle. Once we arrived I saw Corbyn. Not by himself, but with a girl. Wow that fast corbs? Me and Daniel went up to the counter and got what wanted. Then Corbyn spotted us and asked us if we can sit him and this "girl".  We sat with them and introduced our names to the girl. "I'm Kylie". "I'm Daniel". "I'm Katie". "And she's also my girlfriend" Corbyn butted in. "Oh congrats, now I can hog her all I want". "Up of for that" she said. " "Unfair" Corbyn pouted. "Are you guys like brothers and sisters or like super best friends?" Katie asked. "We're ex's" Corbyn said before me. "Ohhh" She said. Then randomly Daniel got my food and his food. Then I got an text so did Daniel. It said that we have a meeting or something together right now. "Well bye guys, maybe we can meet up some other time?" I asked. "You got that text too?". "Yup". "What text I didn't get a text?!?!?!" Corbyn said while worrying. "Well bueeee". We both left but while we are. I feel Daniel's hand on my waist. I didn't mind. But then it went down to my butt hole whole. I was shocked. "Dani?". "I know you like it". "Okay okay"

Corbyn's Pov

I was looking at them while they were leaving. Then I saw Daniel's hand on Kylie's waist. In one blink of an eye his hand went down to her ASS. That honestly pissed me off. I'm dating Katie just to get Kylie jealous. But I do love Katie.

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