Jack//I want to go to the mall Jack//

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"Jack please" I ask. "Y/n I'm to tired, to go to the mall with you" Jack said. "Oh come on" I said. "Y/n I said no, you can go by yourself" he said. "How rude" 🥺 I said. While going upstairs, going in bed, and covering my self with blankets. Then I hear footsteps coming up and opening the door. "Y/n?" he said. I didn't responded. "Y/n I know you might be mad at me but I'm sorry" he said. "I'm still mad at you" I said. "I know you're I'm sorry" he said. "Still mad" I said. "I know but can I see your beautiful face still?" he said. "Nope" I said. While cover me face. "Fine then I just have to make you, show your face to me" he said. Then he comes up to me and starts to tickle me. "Shhh..tt.oo.p it Jack" I ask while laughing. "No until you show your beautiful face to me" he says. Then his hands go up to my neck over the blanket. "One.. two...three" he says. "No" I say. Then he tickles me and I start to move a round and scream , but not to loud. Then the blanket started to come of my body. "There's my pretty girl" he says. "No" I say. I ran downstairs and hided from Jack. Then the front door opened. "I'm back" Daniel said while Zach came in the house. "Have you seen Y/n any where?" Jack asks. "No why?" Zach said. "She ran downstairs and I don't know were she is?" Jack says. I heard someone open the pantry door. Oh no. It's Daniel yes. "Y/n?!?" He whisper shouted. "Be quite I'm trying to hide from Jack, he won't go to the mall with me so, I went upstairs and covered my self with the blankets, and he started to tickle me, then I ran downstairs into here" I said. "Well I can with you" he says. "Stay here first" I said. He closes the door then sits with me. "It's so cold in here" I said. "Here just take my sweater" he says while taking his sweater off. He hands it to me and I put it on. Then Daniel knocked down a cereal box and it made a big noise. "Daniel!" I said. "Sorry"🙃he said. "I think she's in the pantry" Zach says. Then we heard foot steps coming and they opened to door. "Found you" Jack says. "Noooooouuuu" I whined. "Thanks Daniel" Jack said. "Wait what!?!" I said confused. "You guys planed this?" I ask. "Yes" they all said. We went out of the room and went to the living room. "Fuck you Daniel, thought I was going to bring you to the mall with me?" I said. "Change of planes were all going" Jack said. "Huh?" I said confused. Then Jack grabbed me hand and dragged me to the car, then we went to the mall with the guys.

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