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"Are you ready Zach?". "No". "My hair isn't even perfect yet". "Oh my". 1 hour later. "I'm ready" Zach said. "It's been 1 hour Zach and we need to be there in 1 hour". "I forgot about that". We went in the car and drove as fast as we can. " We're almost there" Zach says. "Ok". 1 hour past. "We made it" Zach says. "But were one minute late Zach". "Oh come on it's just one minute". We both walked in the restaurant and Jonah was there waiting for us. "You guys are a late". "It was Zach and his hair". "Everyone was worried". "Oh". We walked to the table where everyone is. "I have a feeling that Zach took a long to on his hair" Daniel said. "Oh stop". The waiter came and took out orders. 1 hour later, she gave us our food. We enjoyed it. While we were Zach keeps kicking me. "Stop it Zach" I whispered. "Nope". "Or Jonah". "No please". "Fine". But he didn't stop. "Jonah, Zach's kicking me". "Zach" he whisper shouted. "Sorry"

Sorry it's short, I've just been sick.

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