Jonah //Jonah the nah//

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Jonah//Jonah the nah//

"jonahzzz". "Whatzzzzz". "Lovezzzz yazzzz". "Mehzz tzzz". "Corbyn, get meh apple juice please". "Can't right now, where trying to spell a word". "Oh come on". "Jaccccccccckkkk".  "Yes?". "Can you get me some apple juice?". "Oh and me too" Daniel said. "Ughhhhh Fine". Five minutes later. "Thank you Jack". "Jonah the nah can you come here?". Then he comes. "I love you". "I love you too and maybe we can do something tomorrow night?". "Sure".

Hello I'm sorry it's short, thank you very much for 3k reads.

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