Zach // meeting//

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Zach //meeting//

Ok five more minutes until this meeting is over, it's taking so long and I have to go to the airport. Also I can't handle my ex looking at me the whole time during the meeting. "And we're done, do you have any questions?" The guy hosting the meeting said. "No" everyone said. Thank goodness it's over. "Bye have a nice day everybody" I said. I walked out of the room, but then got a tap on the shoulder. I turn around and it was Zach my ex. "What do you want Zach?" I said. "I want you and I'm sorry I cheated on you pls take me back" he whined. "I'm sorry Zach but no" I said. "Ohhh you just got rejected Zach" the boys said. "Shut up" He said. Yes this is my chance to walk away. I walked away slowly. "Your not going to leave that fast there missy" he said. Fuck! "Why not?!?" I said. "Your coming with me" he said. He grabbed my hand and dragged me to a family bathroom, and locked the door. "Zach really what do you want, I'm going to be late for my flight" I said. "No you won't, when your with me" he said. Then he comes closer to me and smash he's lips onto mine. I kissed back, but then I turned out to be a make out session. Then he slid my pants until to my knees. He then rubs my thing and I moan a little bit. Then he sticks two fingers in and plays with them inside of me. I moaned. He then takes them out and starts kissing my thing. I moan a little bit. Then he sticks three fingers in there, he goes a little deeper and I moan loudly. "I'm about to ..c..c.cum" I say. "Cum for me baby" he said. Then I cum on his fingers. He takes his fingers out and licks the cum of his fingers. "You taste good" he says. "I sure do" I say. "But I gotta go so bye" I say. I go out of the bathroom and go to the parking lot and drive to the airport. Not gonna lie I liked that.

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