Jack//LOST BOY//

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Jack//LOST BOY//

"Jack!". "where are you we're all worried" Jonah shouted. "Y/n's really worried about you and she's really sorry about what happened between you and her" Corbyn shouted out in the woods. Jack's Pov. Is she really sorry of what she did. She kissed Zach. She CHEATED ON ME. Why me? "Jack I'm sorry I kissed Zach" Y/n shouted. Then I heard footstep coming near me. "Jack?" someone said. I turned around and saw Y/n. "Y/n?". "Jack I'm really sorry, what happened with me and Zach meant nothing". "Are you sure cause it looked like you liked it". "Jack please believe me I only love you and that won't change". "You love me?". "Yes I love you". "And it won't change". "Are you sure you love me right now?". "Yes I'm sure Jack". "Then I love you too". "Jack I miss you" she said and went up to me and hugged me. "We should go back?". "Ya we should their going to get worried about you too". "I love you". "I love you too".

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