Ben and Zach//double date//

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Ben and Zach//double date//
//cute// //dirty//

We're all here in this nice a little fancy restaurant. Me sitting beside Christine and me facing Ben on the other side of the table. We ordered our food and the waiter said it will come in 30 minutes- 40 minutes. There's just something creepy about him though. He keeps looking at me. Even after our order was done. 30 minutes went by and the food came. They placed the food done. But before we ate I felt something under my plate. Like a piece of paper or something. I grabbed it from under the plate. It said someone's phone number. "Ewww". Then it caught the attention of Ben. "What is it, love?". "It's someone's phone number". "Probably that waiter" Christine says. "Someone can have it not me". "Give to me, nobody can have my little cupcake" Ben says. Zach and Christine "awww". "This is why I love my only one Benny". "Awww" Zach and Christine said again. Then we finished our food. We went home but Zach went with Christine (in here house) and me and Ben went to his house. While we went inside he pushed me against the door and closed it. He then kisses me passionately and I kiss back the same. I slowly try to take of his shirt, but half way successed. He chuckles and break the kiss and takes of his shirt and carry's me bridal style up stairs to his room. He drops me on the bed and takes of his pants and my clothes off. He then rubs my clit slowly while we both kiss. I try not to moan but I can't help it. It just feels so good. "Ben please" I whine. "You have to be patient" he says. "Ugh". Then he licks my core and I can't help and moan in pleasure. After a few minutes of doing that he suddenly sticks his member in me. I moan loudly. His face comes down on mine and just watches me. While I'm feeling his member in me. After a hours. We flopped on the bed on our backs. We cuddled in the bed sheets and slept closely that night.

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