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Zach//Christmas party//
//Cute/a little dirty//

"Zach hurry up" I said. "Y/n wait I'm trying to fix my hair for the past 30 minutes" he says. "Zach your hair is fine" I said while wrapping my hands around his waist. "But not to me" he says. "Come on your hair looks perfect" I said. "Compare my hair to your body" he says. "It's perfect and sexy" he said. "But can you please hurry up?" I whined. "Ok ok I will" he said. I went out of the bathroom and waited. 1 hour later. "I'm done" Zach's says while coming out of the bathroom. "Yay now get your bags and we can go visit my parents and your parents" I said. "Wait aren't your parents staying in my parents house?" he asks. "They are staying in your parents house" I said. "Oh and I'm not driving" I said. "Ugh fine" 😞 he said. We went outside to the car and put out bags in the trunk. Then we went in the car, the engine started and Zach drove. 30 minutes later. "Zach I'm going to sleep" I said. "Y/n it's been 30 minutes I think" he says. "Zach we woke up at 4am in the morning" I said. "Well I'm used to waking up at that time" he says. "I know you are" I said. Then I closed my eyes and slept. 1hr later. "Wakey wakey Princess" Zach says. "Huh wha?" I said. "Wake up" he says. I get up and yawn. We then both went out of the car and both stretched. Zach went at the back of the trunk and took out the bags. I rang the door bell and in a few minutes. Myta came out with Josh Zach's parents. "Let me help you out there bud" Josh says while going to Zach and helping him with the bags. "So how are you Zach?" Myta asks. "Good so far" I said. "What do you mean good so far?" she said. "Me and Zach go into a fight last month" I said. "Oh ok" she says. Then we all go inside. "Y/n Y/n" Reese says and runs up to me. "Hey there little princess" I said. "Why are you here?" She asks. "Because your brother Zach here invited me to come here and he's very annoying" I said while pointing to Zach. "Hey I'm not annoying" he says. "Well Zach it is true" she says. "Ha Zach your own blood even agrees with me" I said. "That's it I'm going to get you" Zach said. I ran to the kitchen. "Be careful kids" Myta said. I hid behind the counter. 5 minutes later. "Found you" Zach says. "Nouuuuuuuuu" I said. Then he crouch's down and kisses me passionately and it turned out into a make out session. "Ewww" Reese said. Then we both stopped and looked at Reese. "Don't tell mom" Zach said. "Oh I won't only if you guys buy me candy" she says. "Ok we will and remember don't tell mom or dad" Zach says. "Sorry about that" he says. "It's ok but we should get a room Zach" I asked. "Your right" he said. Then we both laughed.

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