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//jelly// //part 3//

Today I'm introducing my boyfriend to my brother and his friends. Well my brother has seen him but not in reality. By that I mean is by calling or FaceTime. I hope they like him. "Babe why do you look so worried?" Ben asks. "I'm just worried if my brothers friends don't like you". Hopefully Zach's not there, I mean his 26 and still single. I know he makes theses jokes of us having sex and it's really funny. I wrap my arms on Ben's strong arms. He giggles."What?". "It's just you look so cute when you do that or if some other girl looks at me you hold tight on my arm and say babe can we go?" He says with that adorable, hot British accent. "Well I do get jealous at some times". "Ya sometimes". "Oh shut up Ben". I hit in the arm playfully. We eventually make it by walking. Since we're here for the Oscars (it's out last day in L.A) we decided to meet my brother Jonah before we leave. I knock on the door and Zach opens it. "Hi Y/n and...?". "Ben". "And Ben". "Come in". We both walked in and saw all the boys on the couch talking. I look around the house and it looks cleaner than ever. "Y/n! Ben!" Jonah says happily and he comes up to us and hugs us. "Guys this is Ben my boyfriend!"I say happily and hugged him and he kissed me on my head. "Awww" the boys said. We talked for a few minutes and then Zach asks me if we can talk in private. We walked into the kitchen while the boys talked about Ben being in Bohemian Rhapsody. "So Y/n you never told me that you and Ben were together, I thought it was a one night stand and that's it" Zach says in a low tone. "Zach where is this going? I say dogy. "I'm happy for you guys but I just like you a lot and I'm here the only one who's still single" Zach said. "Maybe I can help you? I have a friend that is interested in a relationship". "That will be grateful, thank you so much Y/n" he says excitingly. "No problem" I respond. We went back I went behind Ben and rested my head on his while he's talking to them. "Not to interrupt but can someone tell me what the time is?" I ask everyone. "6:30 pm" Corbyn says while looking at his phone. "I think we better get going Ben and we also need to meet Gwilym at the hotel" I told Ben. "Oh right him". "Well it's nice meeting you guys" we both said and said our goodbyes. We walked out of the house. We walked to the hotel since it's not to far like a 30 minute -1 hour walk. We really don't mind walking. "It's been two years and living with me in Whales and you don't have a British accent yet?" Ben questions. "Hey don't be rude to my voice". He laughs. "I love you" I told him. "I love you more than you love me" Ben says. "I'm impossible".

Hey guys if your a fan of Ben Hardy or if you want to hear a fan fiction about him. Please Please, Please comment down below. I'm sorry, I didn't posted as much, but I made a long one for you guys today. It's just I'm so busy with school and drama and I don't know how to handle it.

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