Jonah//I miss youuuu//

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Jonah//I miss youuuu//

Jonah's Pov

I'm at the airport back from our book tour. The sad thing is that Y/n can't come. Why? It's been 6 months without her. I went out of the airport. With the boys. We went our own ways. Then I called an Uber to go home to my apartment. 1 hour later. I unlocked my apartment door and I saw Y/n's shoes on the floor. She must have left it 6 months ago. Oh Y/n. Then my room lights just went on. Is my house haunted? "Hello ghost?". "I come in peace". Then I saw a hand come out form my room. My house is really haunted. But then the same hand came out and it was REAL. It isn't a mans hand it's a WOMEN'S HAD. AHHHHHHHHHHH. "If someone is in my room get out of there". "Nouuuuu". That sounds like Y/n's voice. "I'm coming in there in 3... you better hide... 2......1!". "Come out". Then the door closed. "My house is really haunted". "I should just move in with Corbyn or Daniel". "BOO!". "Ahhhh". I landed on my bed. "Y/n???". "Hoenah?". "Y/n!". "Jonah!". "I thought you couldn't see me?". "Well that was a lie". "Never do that babe". "Sorry". "I love ya hoenah". "Why do you like calling me hoenah?". "I don't know". "I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu". "I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu tooooooooooooo" I said. Then we kissed and did some dirty dirty 😏😏😏😏😏😏😒.

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