All of them //bullies//

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All of them //bullies//

Jack's POV still
I can't take it anymore, I see her crying and her cheeks red, not in a nice way though. "GUYS STOP THIS IS NOT ALLOWED, CAN WE JUST TELL HER THAT WE..!"I say. "JACK!?!"😡 Zach says. "IM SORRY BUT WR HAVE TO STOP!I said. Then everyone stops and looks at her, her checks red and her lip is busted.

Your POV
Why did Jack to that, what is Jack talking about. "We're sorry" they said. Their sorry?!?😧 Why would they be sorry. "Why are you sorry about!" I ask. "And tell me why you did this, why." I ask while tears form out from my eyes. "Ok here's the thing, we all like you and we thought it was the only way that we can hangout with you" Corbyn says. "So all those past years you bullied me, is about that you like me, and that's the only way that you can hangout with me?" I ask. "Ya that's the reason" they all say embarrassed. "Well you just could've asked that we could hangout, but I'm not going to hangout with you guys" I said. While going out of the boys change room. Then they followed me, I went to the cafeteria and saw my friends at a table, I sat down and tried to hide from them. "What took you song long?"James said. "Just had to go to the bathroom" I said. "That took that long to go use the bathroom" Sarah said. "Ya know makeup!" 😌. "Right" they both said. Then the boys found me and went up to me. "We're sorry Y/n, just please forgive us" they said. "I told you know, if you guys just change" I said. "Fine will change and if that does want you to be friends with us we understand" Jonah says. "Fine" I say. "Bye" I said. Then they said "bye" and left. "What was that about ?"James said. "Ya What was that about!" Sarah said. "Nothing" I say.

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