Corbyn//our love is six feet under//

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Corbyn//our love is six feet under//
//listen before I go//

Corbyn's Pov

"I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe
That we're meant to be
But jealousy, jealousy, jealousy, jealousy
Get the best of me
Look, I don't mean to frustrate, but I
Always make the same mistakes, yeah I
Always make the same mistakes 'cause"

She'll be coming back in a few days I don't have to worry.

Kylie's Pov

I do miss Corbyn but I'm not going to go back crawling to him. I said it and I'm not going to go back. Well I'm currently at the mall with Sarah to get things off of my mind. I told her what happened and she was shook, like SHOOK, SISTER SHOOK. No sign of Corbyn means having a nice day. Honestly last night was amazing with Jack. I mean he asked for it 😌. "Ooo can we go to the candy store to get candy?.?". "Your really going to act like a five year old right now Kylie?". "Yes of course I need to live a little". "By getting candy?". "Yes". "No". "Please" saying while making the cutest face ever. "Ummmm". "Please". "Ugh fine🙄". "Yassss". While we made it to the candy store some fans took some pictures of me and Sarah. "Thank you" a fan said. "No problem". 4 minutes of walking we finally made it. "Yasss candy time". I heard a familiar voice but I didn't bother to turn around. But suddenly I hear five familiar voices going in the candy store. I grabbed a bag and picked out some candy. "Wow you got a lot of gummies". That isn't Sarah's voice. So I turn around and see Zach. "Zach what are you doing here?". "Just getting some candy and also I heard what happened". "Ok, don't talk about it please because I'm at the mall with Sarah just to take things off my mind". "Well too bad cause the boys are coming my way and Corbyn is coming". "Ughh". Then in a blink of an eye their here. "Kylie what are you doing here?". "Well Corbyn I'm here to get some candy so do you mind moving😒?". "Bitch fine😒🙄". "Excuse me not the one who fucked someone else during our relationship😒🙄😡"."You cheated first by kissing Jack". "You just could've kissed that girl". "You know why I did it?!". "Why?". "Cause I never ever loved you in the first place" he whisper shouted. "Wha...wha?". "YOU KNOW WHAT, NOBODY IN YOUR STUPID LITTLE BAND SHOULD NEVER CONTACT ME EVER A AGAIN, NOT EVEN YOU JACK!🥺🤬". "FUCK YOU ALL". I payed for the candy and found Sarah sitting on one of those bench things. It looks like she heard everything. "You heard everything didn't you?". "Yes I did".

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