Dani// I need help with my math//

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Dani// I need help with my math//

✾ ❀ Daniel's Pov ❀ ✾

-Daniel can you help with my homework?
Sure I'll come over in 5-10 mins
-ok thx Dani
No problem cupcake
I got up and grabbed some clothes and shoved them in a bag.
I walked to Y/n's house. Once I arrived there I knocked on the door, but then suddenly her little sister came opened the door.
"Hello Ava" 👋. "🙄hi". "Oh and Y/n is upstairs in her room". "Thank you". "Whatever🙄". "Thank you bitch" I whispered. "What did you say???". "Nothing 😶". I walked upstairs and saw Y/n sitting on her bed doing homework. "Hello". "Hey". "So what do you need help with?". "This math question". *easy times question* Nani!?! "You just texted me just to help you with this?!?". "Yes, cause your going to be doing this question for me, and I know your going to stay the night". "Your very smart". "Wow you never knew that?!?😱". "Oh and your sister is a bitch". "I know she can be like that". "Well do the math question Dani". "Ok". After doing question we watched a movie and joked around. "I love you". "I love you too". Then we kissed. "Eww get a room 🤮". "We have a room Ava". "Then just close the door Y/n". "Sorry". "Sisters I'm I right?". "Yes sisters 🙄". "But Annas nicer than Ava Dani". "True"

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