Chapter 1

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Authors Note: Hello everyone and welcome to my story of Ramsay and Sansa. I was rewatching Game of Thrones and I thought that I would give a little bit of a twist to their story! I hope you all enjoy!!

P.s- this is very mature content



Sansa's POV:

My eyes slowly flutter open and as they open the events of last night flood back into my head. I turn quick to the door to see if Theon is still there starring at me. No one was in the room but me. I sigh and put my head back down on the pillow. Last night I was married to Ramsay Bolton. I knew that Ramsay was different, but last night I saw a side of him that I cannot forget.

The door is opened and in strides my husband. "Good morning my love," he says and kisses me on the forehead. "Good Morning Ramsay," I reply. "I hope last night was enjoyable for you, it was for me" He said smirking back at me. "It, it was lovely" I say back to him turning away so he can't see the tear fall from my cheek. "Don't turn away from me," Ramsay says as he pushes my shoulder so I now am facing him. He then wipes away the tear. "The pain will go away after time Sansa. And now we have forever together." He says looking at me. I smile back at him, not knowing what else to say. The pain that Ramsay is thinking about isn't the same that I am thinking about.

The fact that I am living here without my family makes this place feel foreign and almost unwelcoming.

"Food is waiting for you downstairs darling, you can come join the rest of your new family downstairs with me," Ramsay says as he looks at my naked body. "Or we can always stay up here, I am rather" his hand slowly moves up my leg towards my crotch. "Famished from last night," Ramsay puts on his famous smirk once again looking at me.

I think that food sounds lovely let me just get ready and I will be right down," I slip on my gown and a pair of slippers as Ramsay disappears quietly from the room. All that I am going to be for Ramsay is someone to have sex with. I'll be his toy and nothing else as he takes the North and uses my name to do it.


Myranda's POV:

I spot Ramsay crossing the courtyard as he walks to go see his father in his chambers. He notices me and continues to walk. Now that Ramsay is married he isn't going to care about me. I was just a toy for him. He never wanted anything else with me. "Oh Myranda we are going to get married you and I" Ramsay said "There is nobody else I want by my side or in my bed with me."

Now he has Sansa Stark, the powerful girl who was Ned Stark's daughter. Ramsay claims that she is nothing more to him that her title, but he has been distant. I miss him.

I start to walk not knowing where I am going, but as soon as I open the door my subconscious cries out "Sleep with him and show him what he is missing." I strip naked and lay on his bed waiting for him to return after talking with his father.


"Have Reek sent up to my room in.." Ramsay stops and looks at me. "Two hours," Ramsay quickly shuts the door and looks at me. "What do you think you are doing?" He says walking towards the bed. I start to undress him. "You are messing with a married man," "Shhh," I say back "I don't want to think about that."

"Doesn't that make things more entertaining? I am about to fuck you and I am married to someone else. Someone that I am going to fuck later as well." Ramsay squeezes my breasts and bites my neck. "Oh Ramsay," I say digging my nails into his skin.

Sansa and Ramsay: A Happy Ending That They Never GotWhere stories live. Discover now