Chapter 30

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Ramsay's POV:

"You know Lord Varys and Tyrion?" Daenerys said surprised. "Lord Varys was serving Ceresi Lannister when I was in Kings Landing and Tyrion and I..." Sansa said hesitating before looking at me. "Tyrion and I were married." Sansa said. I immediately step forward but Sansa grips my arm and pulls me back from my rage.

This man married Sansa and did Gods know what to her. I know that they never consummated the marriage, but I have heard strange stories about Tyrion Lannister.

"Lady Sansa you look very well I haven't seen you in a while," Varys said approaching slowly. Back in my day I would perform some exams to see if women were pregnant," Varys said smiling at her. I couldn't get a good read on Varys but he seems very different.

I could tell that Sansa was nervous, she was rigid and barely speaking. "I'm going to be with her during the exam," I say holding her hand. "Well of course Lord Bolton," Varys said and headed towards a door. He turned expecting us to follow him. "This way," he said and motioned us forward.

We walked behind him and were presented with a simple room with a bed in the middle of it. Varys had it all set up ready to go for Sansa. "I will have you undress to your undergarments and then I will knock before I come in." Varys said before exiting. "Ramsay, will you help me with my dress." Sansa said turning around. "My love are you okay," I say undoing her dress. "Yes, I am just shocked is all, after I left Kings Landing I didn't expect to see any of those people again. Especially not Tyrion." She said shuddering as I pull the dress off of her.

"We don't have to do this," I say to her and I kiss her shoulder. "I want to," she said as she climbs on the bed. "Will you go get Varys and tell him that I am ready," Sansa said as she laid down on the bed.

I exit quickly and tell Varys to come in. As Varys moves towards the bed I move towards Sansa's head to hold her hand. "Just going to lift this up and have a feel." Varys said to her. Sansa nodded and as Varys inspected her, her hand gripped mine as she was nervous for what is to come.

"Well from what I can tell the uterus is extra plump and their is a feel to the uterine wall that is thick. It does seem that your husband is right, you are expecting." Varys said with a smile on his face. I look down and Sansa and she is smiling too. "You were right," she said to me laughing and sitting up. "I am always right," I say as I bend down to kiss her. "Lets get me dressed so that we can go meet with the queen and she can tell us what she has decided." Sansa says getting out of the bed and grabbing her dress.


"So it seems that you have come to a decision," i said to Daenerys as she sits in her chair along with Tyrion and Varys next to her. "I have made a decision. After what I saw in the cave it made sense that Lord Commander Snow was right about these white walkers. I also have faith that your army is strong and will help us if we need it. You would be a powerful ally of mine. I will accept your terms as long as you do one thing for me." Daenerys said standing up.

"And what would that me" I say to her.

"Bend the knee" she said simple to Sansa and I.

"I beg your pardon my lady, but you do know that we are the King and Queen of the North." I say smiling at her. "We have worked hard to gain these positions of power." Sansa said to her. "Bend the knee and we can be allies, we can fight against the dead and save Westeros." Daenerys said to us expecting an answer.

"I know that you have come to a decision my lady, but we will need time to come to a decision for what you have proposed." I said to her still in shock of what she asked. "I will be more than happy to give you all the time that you need." Daenerys said smiling and exiting the room.

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