Chapter 14

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Ramsay's POV:

"I want to make sure that this place looks spotless and flawless. Since you all were unable to put forth money towards the North you are doing the next best thing.... Serving under me and my wife so that you can pay us in a different way. You will work from early morning till dinnertime. We will supply you with dinner and then you will go off to your homes that you are lucky to have. If anyone fails to put their best work and foot forward they will be answering to me and my sword." I say to the hundreds of workers that are working at Winterfell today.

"You will have someone in charge of your group, they will call out your name and you will be with them until your job is done. Now everyone listen for your name and get to work." I say walking away towards the North Tower.

A month has gone by since Sansa gave birth to Henry. She has gotten very involved, being Lady of Winterfell and we have been making a lot of progress in this short time. The North Tower, where we hold our cabinet meetings has been completely renovated and fixed and it looks amazing. Sansa's idea to put the people who couldn't pay to work was brilliant and is definitely paying off. At this rate we will have freedom in no time.


"I want to become allies with Daenerys Targaryen and crush Kings Landing to the ground." 

I said to Sansa and I waited for her response. "Ramsay, that is very ambitious." She said to me. "Almost as ambitious as ruling the North, that means that we will have Ceresi as an enemy." I say back to her. "Ramsay there is a way where we can have the best of both worlds. We get enough money and a strong army to separate from Cersei, then we can go to Daenerys as King and Queen, that shows more power on our end so that she cannot boss us around" Sansa said back to me.

"I think we are just meant to be together Sansa, because our plans always work out." I say walking up to her and kissing her. "I guess so," she said looking out to the lake. "I think this place would be amazing to raise our children" Sansa said.


"I just think that everything is going as planned," I hear Sansa say as I approach the meeting room. "Everything is going according to plan, but do you think it is going too fast. It might be very suspicious to the Queen." Braedon said. "I don't think so, we could cover it up saying that since I returned it caused a great change." Sansa said. "I just don't know if Ceresi and her brother will take that as a true statement." Braedon said to Sansa. "Well I think this matter can wait until Cersei questions us." I say walking into the room. "Ramsay hello," Sansa said coming up to me and giving me a kiss. 

"Where are the rest of the men," I say gesturing to the empty room." "Charles and Clifford went to go get Roderick and Lennard." Braedon said. "Well good, I just talked to the next group of workers, I think that we are letting too many people come in a work. We need more money coming in," I say sitting down at the head of the table. 

"Well that is all solved to my sweet husband. Since I have come into power a lot of the rebellious North Men that wouldn't side with us the first time have seen the good that we do and want to join us. Making it so we have more towns to tax and more money coming in" Sansa said sitting down at the other head of the table. "That's great news," I say running my hands through my hair. 

Sansa and Ramsay: A Happy Ending That They Never GotWhere stories live. Discover now