Chapter 39

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Sansa's POV

I wake up and light is shining in the room. I look over at the other side of the bed and Ramsay isn't there. I try to get up but I wince in pain. I look down and on my stomach is a large incision. "They babies," I say and call for a maid. Quickly one comes in "what do you need my lady," she asks. "Where are my babies, and my son and husband." I say "My Queen your husband is with the two girls right now and your son is taking a nap." She answered. "Can I please see my husband and the babies." I say and the maid nods and runs away.

Are they healthy? Is everything okay, do they need to be fed?

Ramsay walks in holding the two girls and smiles when he sees me. "My love," Ramsay said and I started to tear up. "May I introduce you to your two beautiful daughters. He hands me one of the girls and sits down next to me with the other. "You are holding Catelyn, I named her after your mother, Catelyn was born first. Then I'm holding Alessandra, named after my mother." Ramsay said showing Alessandra to me.

"You never told me about your mother" I said shocked. "I know," Ramsay said looking down at her. "Aren't they beautiful." Ramsay said to me. "Yes," I reply and soon after that Catelyn started to cry. "Have they been fed?" I asked Ramsay and he nodded. "They wet nurse figured out how to get them to drink some milk yesterday while you were resting, but I believe now you can nurse them Ramsay said as I put Catelyn to my breast, "One thing that I noticed is that Once one is hungry shortly after-" Ramsay looked at Alessandra who was starting to fuss. "Will get hungry as well." Ramsay started to bounce Alessandra as I fed Catelyn.

"Well this is going to be interesting feeding them." I say laughing at Ramsay. "We will make it work." Ramsay said reassuring me. As I continue to feed Catelyn I can't help but notice how Ramsay is acting with Alessandra. I was nervous that Ramsay wasn't going to take a liking to her after what had happened. I feared if I didn't survive little Alessandra wouldn't be loved by her father.

But things have changed, I made it out of child birth so Ramsay didn't turn to the dark side. It has been something that I fear will happen if something goes wrong, and with winter coming and Winterfell being the first line, I was scared to know what was to come. "Okay I think Catelyn has had enough. I say switching babies with Ramsay. As Ramsay took care of Catelyn and I fed Alessandra I had another thought pop into my head.

Ramsay is a great father, who would have thought that he would be a good father after what he has done. It is almost like we were made for each other. I was suppose to give him a life of good and he gave me a life of power and love.

The babies were both fed and shortly after fell asleep. "I'm sorry I can't be more of help," I say motioning to my stomach. "Darling Zelda said that you would be like that for a while, It is best to not push yourself so that you will get better faster." Ramsay said placing Catelyn in their bassinet.

"I know I just feel like you have been doing a lot of work." I say looking over at him. "Darling please, that is what we have maids for. All you need to worry about is bonding with them, and feeding them. The rest the maids and I can take care of." Ramsay said standing by the door. "Now I have to go get someone, they have been dying to see you." Ramsay said and left the room.

Shortly later he walks in carrying our two year old son Henry. "Look mummy is awake." Ramsay said setting him down. "Remember what I told you mummy is in pain so you have to be gentle with her" Ramsay said and Henry nodded and walked over to me. "Hi Mummy I missed you," Henry said giving me a gentle hug. Even though it has only been a couple of days I feel like he has grown so much. I guess I never noticed of much older he looked now that he was two. He looked a little bit like my brother Rob and I shed a tear. "Hello my baby boy, I missed you too." I hugged him back.

Sansa and Ramsay: A Happy Ending That They Never GotWhere stories live. Discover now