Chapter 33

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Sansa's POV:

"Darling are you sure that you are okay with all of this?" Ramsay said to me as we walked back to our chambers after dinner. "Everyone else seemed to be on board with the idea, I'm just surprised that Daenerys was." I said shocked. Daenerys thought that the idea was a good one as long as Ceresi agreed to help then they could call a truce.

"I was surprised as well but it is good to hear that she likes the idea." Ramsay said taking off his clothes so that he could get ready for bed. "Ramsay will you help me with this?" I say turning around and moving my hair aside so that he could access the ties that were holding my dress together. "Of course," he said walking over and undoing my dress. He placed kisses on my shoulder as the dress slid down my body.

He wrapped his arms around me and sucked on my neck. I leaned back weak at his touch. "Ramsay," I say to him as he turns me around. "I love you so much," Ramsay said as he kissed me. "I love you too," I say and kiss him back. I pull away and walk towards Henry's door. Ramsay looked upset that I moved away, but I just wasn't in the mood and I was tired.

"You still seem distant." Ramsay said walking up to me wrapping his arm around my hip. "Look at our beautiful son," I say motioning to Henry who was sound asleep in his crib. "He is perfect," he says back to me. "And we have two others on the way, a growing family. A family that needs their father." I say turning towards him.

"I'm not going anywhere," Ramsay said looking at me reassuringly. "I know you will be. I am fine that we get a group to go to get the white walker, but you will not be going there." I say waiting for his response. "Darling it was my idea, I should be with my men fighting with them." "I won't allow it. I don't care if your men think that you are a coward, I will not risk my husband and the father of my children to be at risk and leave me." I say to him standing my ground.

"Sansa, I know that it is scary-" Ramsay starts to say but I interrupt. "You don't understand, either you stay here or I cannot support you anymore. I know that this is harsh, but I will not risk your life so I am willing to draw the line." I say stepping back from him.

"Let me talk to Jon and I'll see what he says. We will have to change the plans since I won't be going." Ramsay says running his hands through his now long hair. "Sansa, I cannot believe that you would just say that you are leaving me just because I am going out to battle." Ramsay said starting to get angry. 

I shut Henry's door in case that Ramsay gets loud, I don't want to wake him up. "Ramsay you have to understand-" "Sansa I am the Lord of Winterfell, it is my duty to fight and protect my family and people, I consider myself to be a good fighter so I have good chances. You weren't worried that I was out there fighting with Daenerys's men not to long ago. But now you won't even let me fight? This is insane." Ramsay said pacing back and forth in the room waiting for me to answer.

"Ramsay I know that you are a good fighter and I don't worry that much when you are in battle, but when it comes to these White Walkers that nobody has really dealt with I am nervous that I am going to lose you. I cannot raise these kids without you.." I say hoping to calm him down.

Ramsay sees that I am emotional and he calms down. "Sansa," he says walking up to me. He places his hands on either side of my face. "I'm not going anywhere," Ramsay said kissing me again. "Why don't you sit down," Ramsay said motioning to the bed. 

We both sit down next to each other. "When I was going into battle the other day when those men came here I felt different. Before I had nothing to fight for but my pride. Now I have a family to fight for which makes me fight better because I have a reason to come home. Before that I didn't care if I died as long as I did something that made an impact. Now things are definitely different. I have you and Henry and two children on the way to think about." Ramsay said looking at me while I tear up. "Well then why would you have the brilliant idea to go get a White Walker and risk everything." I say laughing but also crying. "I want to do whatever I can to protect my family and if that means that I have to bring everyone together and call a truce then I will do everything that I can in order to make sure that you are all safe." Ramsay said kissing me gently on the forehead.

"Ramsay, I know that you think that this might change my mind about you going, but it won't." I say looking up at him. "I know, once you have something in your mind you aren't going to budge," he says laughing at me. "I'll tell Jon in the morning, for now why don't we just go to bed." Ramsay said getting into bed under the duvet.

I lay down next to him and he moves next to me so that we are next to each other with no space between us (spooning!!). As I lay there I cannot help it as my mind races about what is to come. 

"Ramsay, I want to learn to defend myself." I say out of the blue. Ramsay moves his head and I know that he is awake. "Sansa I am here to protect you, women don't learn how to fight." Ramsay said to me. "My sister learned and she is one of the best fighers the Brienne has seen." I said back to him.

"I just want something that I can manage, I'm not talking about a huge sword but something that will protect me." I say to him. "Sansa," Ramsay said pulling away from me. "Just teach me, I know that you are going to protect me, but if worse comes to worse I don't want to be defenseless." I say trying to pull him back to me.

"When I was young I started with a bow and arrow. I guess I could teach you how to shoot." Ramsay said to me moving closer to me once again. "Thank you Ramsay," I say leaning in to kiss him. "Sansa I want you to know that you can always count on me. You won't be defenseless ever." Ramsay said looking into my eyes. "I know, but we can at least be sure, right. I have two children to protect and with what is coming it is better to be prepared for anything." I say to him and he smiles. "Being a leader suits you, you always have the greatest ideas and you always know the right thing to do." Ramsay said kissing my neck and sucking on it.

"That's why I love you." He said and I can feel his smile against my skin. "And I you," I say before me both drift off to sleep.


Author's note:

Thanks for the long wait! I have been so busy with finals but school is over so now I just am focusing on sport and finishing this story. It's sad to say but I think that this story is going to be updating less and less because we are winding down to the end of the book. I am waiting to see the outcome of the actual GOT and planning my story accordingly. I hope you are all enjoying this story so far and I have had a blast writing it!


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