Chapter 43

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Sansa's POV:

Jon hasn't talked to me in over a week, but I have had my mind on other things. "Ramsay, we have to get to the counsel meeting, we have to discuss the plan for the White Walkers," I say as I finish braiding my hair. "We are the Wardens of Winterfell we can be late if we want." Ramsay said coming up behind me with Catelyn in his arms. "I already sent for Glenda she will be here any second, please get dressed so we can go, or I will go without you" I say, he smirks and kisses my neck as he goes to put Catelyn down.

As if on cue Glenda walks through the door. "Henry is down playing with his friends in the courtyard, I will take the girls to watch him. Have they been fed?" Glenda asks me and I nod. "They are all set for the morning, after my meetings I will come and find you to feed them their lunch." I say and she nods. She walks over to the girls and grabs then before leaving the room. 

Ramsay walks out from an adjacent room fully clothed. "Ready" he tells me and we walk out the room to the counsel meeting. Ramsay and I walk in and Daenerys is sitting next to Jon, our normal counsel members are there as well as Bran and Arya. I figured that they should be included since this is their home too. 

"Sorry that we are late, the girls were fussing this morning" I say sitting down. Braedon stands up and brings to talk. "So as we talked about yesterday the White Walkers aren't immune to fire, so we will need a lot of supplies to keep the fires burning, we do have the dragons, but just to be on the safe side I have sent for more supplies that will be here with in the week." Braedon says and we all nod. 

"As for today's agenda we are going to figure out a plan to divert the White Walkers so they aren't all coming at us at once." Braedon said standing up in front of everyone waiting for someone to say something.

"We should built trenches, with spiked fences around to protect us, they will break through, but it will slow them down. We lay some tar underneath to set the spikes a blaze" Jon said and everyone nodded in agreement. "We will need archers on the top to pick off strays that may get through" I say and once again everyone nods.

"A lot will get through so triple the archers, when they can't hold their position they will have to go to another area to fight" Jon said and Braedon took down notes. "We should keep using the dragon glass, I talked to our weapon maker and he is making great improvements on the weapons, they should be ready shortly." Ramsay said and we were all relieved about the weapons.

"I will need to have guards with me" Bran spoke and broke the silence. "The Night King wants me so I will be at the sacred tree, That will be the demise." Bran said and everyone didn't know what to say.

"Bran you will be within the walls, protected," I say to him and he shakes his head. "I must be at the godswood to greet him." Bran said and I rolled my eyes. "Bran we aren't going to have you out in the open like that," I say and he doesn't answer me.

"I can take one of the Dragons with me to protect him, I will be flying over head with Dani, but I can keep an eye on him." Jon said and I stared at him and nodded. "Fine, but you will have guards by your side at all times Bran," and Bran nods to that. 

"We can work out the littler details later but as of right now it looks like we have a plan." Braedon said and with that everyone got up and left. I stand in the room now with Arya and Bran. "I must tell you two something." Bran says and we sit down beside him.

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